Jonathan Borba

These 4 Zodiacs Fall The Fastest—And Hardest—In Love

Falling in love can be a blissful and thrilling experience. Each zodiac sign is wired differently when it comes to love, and while some signs take a slower-paced approach to new romance, others are known to charge forward and throw caution to the wind. 

If you’re ready to dive in head-first to new love, find a match in one of the following signs to experience the ride of a lifetime. 


A Pisces’ love life is the stuff dreams are made of. It’s safe to say they’re in love with love itself. Pisces are known to always have their rose-colored glasses on, viewing the world through a romanticized, and dare we say idealized lens. 

Pisces isn’t a sign that typically pauses to analyze a situation before diving in. Instead of thinking things through, they prefer to feel their way through things — and when the heart leads you’re in for a wild ride. If you’re in the mood for romantic gestures, poetry that’ll make you blush, and being lost in a dream, take our advice and date a Pisces. 


Would any astrological roundup about love be complete without mentioning Libra? If it seems like the Libras in your life are always in a relationship, you may be on to something. Libras adore companionship and tend to feel anxious when they’re alone. Even if it’s just a short fling, Libras prefer to be booked and busy instead of waiting for their next potential partner to show up. 

Libras are among the most charming zodiac signs and love to engage in witty and flirtatious banter. If you find yourself on the receiving end of Libra’s flirtations, soak it up. They’re more than happy to pull you into a delightful, whirlwind romance without too much forethought. And you never know, it just might last!


Scorpios are the most brooding and intense lovers of the zodiac. They’re known for going deep, and they’re a mysterious, sensitive, and intuitive sign that thrives in the unknown. 

While some people hide their flaws in the beginning stages of romance, Scorpio doesn’t deal with masks. They prefer to peel back the layers to get to the juicy stuff. The real stuff. Scorpios don’t fall into the trap of labeling things as “good” or “bad” either. To a Scorpio, your perceived flaws are just more interesting material to work with. 

Scorpios fall fast because they simply don’t have as many emotional barriers as other signs. And just because they fall fast doesn’t mean they won’t last: Scorpios are some of the most loyal people around, so this relationship might stand the test of time.


Aries are known for their impulsive and fiery nature. While sometimes it can get them into a pickle, it can also be highly beneficial when a situation requires them to take the lead. They’re not the cautious type, to say the least, and prefer to go with their gut instincts in love. 

If an Aries likes you, you’ll know. They’ll happily take charge (whether you like it or not), and are headstrong, willful, and know how to lay on the charm.

If you enjoy being pursued, you’ll have the time of your life with an Aries as a lover. However, we have to warn you: Aries aren’t always known for their longevity in relationships and tend to get distracted easily. While this obviously won’t be true for every Aries, it’s worth mentioning. Aries’ motto in love and life? “I’m here for a good time, not a long time!”