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This Is Every Zodiac’s Horoscope For The Week Of June 25-July 1


It’s time to channel your inner diva, Aries. On the 25th, Mars is locked into your dramatic fifth house, which means egos threaten to get in the way of progress. You’ll navigate hard financial decisions and work drama well into July. Personalities will clash throughout the start of the month; ensure your voice is heard in the workplace and at home. 


There’s tension brewing under your roof, Taurus! This week, Leo is in the fourth house of home and family, which may cause anxiety in your household. From the 26th on, reserve space for independent pursuits instead of making endless commitments to family. Once Neptune enters retrograde on the 30th, you’ll reevaluate friendships—be on the lookout for codependency and other unhealthy patterns.


Progress is slow this week—with Neptune in retrograde, it feels like your professional life is on hold. While this may seem like a drawback, it could be an opportunity in disguise. It’s time to focus on yourself—pick up a new hobby or spend the afternoon with your friends. At the end of the month, an old boss or mentor will reach out to acknowledge your skills. Reconnecting with these key figures may help you during this confusing time. 


Cancer, you’re in high demand this week. A new leadership opportunity will open up at work—be discerning about which projects you take on. To impress your superiors, arrive early to meetings and be eager to learn. New skills will help you snag a promotion next month! 


This week, you’re meditating between two powerful forces in your life. Starting on the 25th, Mars in Leo clashes with Uranus (which resides in Taurus), and your world is rife with power struggles. This week, you’ll help friends resolve arguments and take a firm stand against injustice. At the end of the month, it’s time to set boundaries with any grifters in your life. Saturn’s energy will help you stand up for yourself at the end of the month. 


Beware, Virgo—an old flame will reach out on the 30th. Proceed with caution: not everyone has the best intentions. Thankfully, Neptune in retrograde will help you establish firm boundaries during the start of July. 


It’s time to delegate, Libras—the past week has been stressful! If the boundaries between your home and professional life have blurred, assign smaller tasks to your coworkers (just make sure to ask them first). If you’re having trouble making decisions, wait until Neptune turns retrograde on the 30th—you’ll make better decisions at the end of the month. 


Scorpios, you’re out of balance this week! Between your personal and professional commitments, there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish everything. With Neptune in retrograde on the 30th, you’ll need a final burst of energy to meet deadlines before July. 


With Mars blazing through Leo on the 25th, you’re embracing life in the fast lane. This week, pay attention to small details—they’ll help you salvage a large project. As the month draws to a close, slow down and appreciate the little things in life. Spending time with friends and family will help you embrace the simple life. 


It’s time to go back to the drawing board—with Neptune in retrograde, you’re reexamining several creative projects. Inspiration will strike on the first of the month; thanks to the energy of Venus, you’re ready to take your projects in a different direction. Finally, expect a steamy encounter on the 26th. Capricorns, only time will tell if your good judgment holds up in the face of exciting chemistry! 


Are you fighting with your inner circle? With Uranus in your fourth house, you’re feeling more sensitive than usual. Expect more arguments with friends, coworkers, and significant others. Thankfully, things will cool down on the 30th when Neptune enters retrograde. At the beginning of July, you’ll feel more emotionally balanced and pick fewer fights. 


You’re feeling reflective this week, Pisces! Once Neptune enters retrograde on the 30th, you’re more prone to deep-soul searching. This week, Neptune lands in your first house of self-reflection, which has you questioning the decisions you made in 2023. Examine everything from your appearance to your ROI—Neptune can help you decide the next stage of your life.