Brandon Woelfel

This Is The Best Part Of Dating Each Zodiac Venus Placement


With an Aries in Venus, you will never be bored. While dating them, be prepared for your life to be ravished in their passionate fire. With this placement, it’s keep up or keep out of the way. 


If you’re with a Venus in Taurus placement, you’re with a hard worker. They are dedicated to creating financial security for both of you. They also have a contrasting cozy side to them and want nothing more than someone to pull onto the couch next to them. 


Gemini in Venus offers a lot of charm and charisma. You will have a lot of interesting conversations with them and their wide social circle. Be ready to inherit a new friendship group. Your Gemini in Venus will introduce you to a whole new social scene if you let them. 


Venus in Cancer is compassionate and sensitive. Tread carefully in the deep waters of their soul. They need you to be tuned into their feelings, as their moods change drastically like the tides of the sea. Above all, they offer you nourishment beyond the care of any other Venus placement.  


Venus in Leo offers dramatic displays of affection that border on theatrical. They are also loyal to a fault. So, if they love you, be ready for a lifetime companion. With Venus in Leo, you will have a lavish life packed with passion.


If a Virgo in Venus has selected you, feel very special. This placement is very picky when it comes to long-term partners. With a Virgo in Venus partner, you’ll know that someone always has your back. This usually-private placement will love to show you off. 


Flirting is part of a Libra in Venus’s nature. Don’t let this intimidate you, because their love for love overcomes all else. They love being in a relationship so much, they always try to keep things balanced and harmonious. 


Venus in Scorpio presents as shut-off and moody at first. Once they get comfortable with you, they’ll show you their favorite secluded spots. Take walks under the stars. Eventually, they’ll even share their many secrets. 


Venus in Sagittarius finds it hard to commit to someone. But they are always prepared for a fun, spontaneous adventure with their partner. In a relationship, they will always keep your life together fun and exciting. 


Venus in Capricorn yearns to build a stable life with a committed partner. You have some high walls to climb over to reach their heart. The love and protection you receive in return will be well-earned. 


Give an Aquarius in Venus a lot of space when you are courting them. They hate to feel suffocated and suppressed by others, especially before building a tight bond. Once they get comfortable with you, get ready to get weird. They have a quirky side to their personality that will make you comfortable enough to share your hidden strangeness.


Venus in Pisces lives for romance and love. Mentally, they are usually living out a romantic fantasy that is usually kept in the pages of a book. A Pisces in Venus will bring that fantasy to life, with you starring as a main character.