Brandon Woelfel

This Is The Power You Have In Relationships, According To Your Venus Sign

Each Venus sign holds power, and tapping into this allows us to feel a lot more confident with who we are, allowing us to attract organic connections. When we are aware of our Venus’ power, romance feels easy and not as stressful because we will know how to value and put ourselves first by establishing boundaries. Venus’ power allows us to love ourselves unconditionally.

Venus in Aries 

When you know who you are and don’t listen to the criticism from others regarding your style, you can become a powerful trendsetter, especially if Venus is on the ascendant. Aries Venus enjoys having fun and doing things their way. They don’t play by anyone’s rules. Your power radiates when you allow yourself to shine.

Venus in Taurus 

Venus is at home in your sign and you have the power to manifest luxury into your world seamlessly. This is the placement of those who will emanate Venusian energy without much effort. You have the ability to light up any room and to make anyone fall in love with you. Taurus Venus is charming and in control when they know who they are.

Venus in Gemini 

When Venus is in Gemini, the native knows how to win any argument and knows how to get people to support them. This is the Venus sign that holds power with their words, and in relationships it could even mean words of affirmation. Venus in Gemini is witty and romantic. They attract people who are like-minded and confident, just like them.

Venus in Cancer 

Having Venus that is ruled by the Moon is like having a hidden treasure. The native is charming and has too much to offer and share with the world. They know how to win friends and foes with their empathy and nurturing side. Venus here is caring and honest, they know how to bring the best out of their partners because of their patience and dedication.

Venus in Leo 

The romantic’s position. Venus in Leo is luminous and energetic. They enjoy being center stage and celebrated by their partners. Venus loves without restriction, Venus enjoys love and devotion. This is the placement that makes the native a source of energy and optimism for others. When the Venus native sees their own magic, it is easier to share it with others.

Venus in Virgo 

This Venus placement is similar to discovering a well of knowledge. The native will teach their partners how practicality is more valuable than frivolous displays of romantic gestures. Venus in Virgo analyzes and knows what their partners do even if they don’t give grandiose gestures. They can melt the hearts of their lovers with their dedication and loyalty.

Venus in Libra 

Venus is at home in the sign of Libra, making the native feel the energy seamlessly. They flow and vibrate Venusian vibes when this Venus placement learns the power that they hold. Venus in Libra is a star, and once they are aware of this, it can make them unstoppable. They have the power to teach others, fight for them, and bring more harmony and balance to the world around them. 

Venus in Scorpio 

The sorcerer’s Venus. Venus here is powerful and victorious; it can make the natives invincible. Venus in Scorpio is a passionate and caring lover. They know how to defend their partners and the people they care for. Venus here can be insecure, especially with a partner who does not value them. Once Venus in Scorpio knows how to release their insecurities and open themselves up to love they can discover their power. 

Venus in Sagittarius

The philosopher’s Venus. Although they can conquer in the game of love, this Venus sign is on a journey to learn. However, Venus becomes stronger when they learn to pursue what brings them joy and calm and sparks their curiosity. Their partner should be supportive of their dreams and make them become better versions of themselves.

Venus in Capricorn 

This Venus placement is passionate and romantic, since they work on themselves and grow for their relationship when their partner is worth it. These people are ambitious and caring. Their power lies in never giving up and finding a way to succeed when the odds are against them. When they meet someone who helps them discover and fight for their dreams, it can be a game changer for them.

Venus in Aquarius 

The power that this Venus holds revolves around their compassion and willingness to help those who need it. They also have the unique ability to make their presence known without trying too hard. Venus in Aquarius can be extremely loyal only when they have found a partner that can be their mirror and allow them to meet themselves.

Venus in Pisces 

The exalted Venus placement. Venus in Pisces knows how to give love beyond this realm. Those who enter the relationship with this Venus placement can recall their love story. This a very beautiful and happy position for Venus, since it can love without feeling restricted and it will enchant its partners with its selflessness, compassion, and hidden power.