This Is Your Most Powerful Chakra, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
We have energy inside of our bodies. When we tap into that energy, we can find balance, peace, and healing. This energy is known as our Chakras.
Chakras are the energy points that run from the base of our spine all the way up to the crown area of the head. There are 7 Chakras — Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown — and each zodiac sign is associated with a Chakra.
These are what each chakra is about and which one is the most powerful for your zodiac sign.
Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is shown as the color red and is located at the base of the spine. It represents security, stability, and survival. Capricorns are very stable and grounded. They strive for success and security in their lives. When this energy is blocked, Capricorns will feel afraid, out of place, and question their purpose in life.
Sacral Chakra
Scorpio, Pisces
The Sacral Chakra is located in the pelvic bone and is often shown in the color orange. It represents emotions, intimacy, sexuality, and creativity. Scorpio and Pisces are the signs that are most affected when this is blocked — they might feel less creative, less sensual, and not in tune with their emotions.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
The Solar Plexus is located in the lower abdomen area, between the rib cage and belly button, and it is shown as the color yellow. This Chakra represents action. It’s about confidence and motivation. When this energy is blocked and off balance, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius might feel low self-esteem, lack of motivation, and lethargy.
Heart Chakra
Taurus, Libra
The Heart Chakra is represented by the color green and stands for love, balance, and inner harmony. It makes sense that Taurus and Libra connect with this Chakra, considering they’re both ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. In love, Taurus is about stability and security while Libra is about peace and balance. When this Chakra is blocked, Taurus will be defensive and lacking compassion, and Libra will be passive-aggressive and resentful.
Throat Chakra
Gemini, Virgo
The Throat Chakra is identified as the color blue and represents communication, thoughts, expressing yourself through words, and speaking the truth. The zodiac signs who are most deeply connected with their Solar Plexus chakra are Gemini and Virgo. When this area is blocked, Geminis find it hard to be fully honest about their feelings, and Virgos resort to being hypercritical of themselves and others.
Third Eye Chakra
Located on the forehead, near the brow line, and represented by the color indigo, the Third Eye Chakra represents intuition, imagination, and psychic abilities. Cancers are quite empathetic. They have strong intuition and often rationalize their and others’ feelings, but when this energy is blocked, they will feed into irrationalities and delusions.
Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is on top of your head, either shown in the color violet or white. It represents divine wisdom, perception of power, and oneness. Aquarians feel the most connected to this Chakra. Aquarians are innovative, independent, and motivated to help the world. When this energy is blocked, though, Aquarians will feel incapable and inadequate to help others.
Try yoga and meditation if you feel as if any of your Chakras are blocked or the energy in your body feels imbalanced.