Vital Wisdom From Your Guardian Angel (Astrology + Tarot Reading)
Your Card: Three of Swords
Every tear you’ve shed over them has not been in vain. Every time you’ve felt alone in your pain and grief, know that your guardian angel is there holding you in their arms listening to every grievance you have. They understand how unfair it is but your whispered prayers aren’t going unheard. They hear all of it. They’re listening with an open heart and though it’s hard to fully understand the signs that they’ve been sending you, what your guardian angel wants you to know is that in your quest for love, this is a necessary step. Sometimes to get the things that we desire, including love, it requires heartbreak. Because with that heartbreak comes the lessons we must learn to become the person of our dreams and attract the love of our dreams. Your guardian angel wants you to know that just because it hurts like this doesn’t mean it was meant to be, Aries. Just because you miss them this much doesn’t mean they were meant to be your soulmate. I know it seems unfair that the universe brought this person into your life just for them to have to leave, but there is a greater purpose at play here. The thing is, you won’t fully see the full picture of why it had to be this way until enough time has passed and you gain clarity. Your guardian angel is holding your hand and caressing your shoulder. They will be with you every step of the way as you grieve this pain and they are guiding you to a stronger more secure version of yourself. You’re not alone.
Your Card: King of Pentacles
It’s no coincidence that you received this card, Taurus because The King of Pentacles represents your sign. What your guardian angel is trying to tell you is that it is time to step up to the plate and realize your full potential. You are a spiritual leader at heart. Reminiscent of the essence of The Hierophant (another tarot card that represents your sign). Your guardian angel is trying to show you that you’re destined to guide others toward their higher purpose and help them see the light and the beauty that lives in the world. You are unlike most leaders. As the King of Pentacles, you are a leader who understands fully the struggles of those around you. Nothing was handed over to you, you experienced trial after trial to gain the knowledge and understanding that you have about the world. You can put yourself in the shoes of those around you and see their heart and feel it beating. You are a leader who doesn’t ask to be bowed down to, instead, you encourage those around you to seek direction within themselves and through the messages sent from the universe. You have an act for always saying the right thing at the right time and a lot of this has to do with the rich life you’ve lived and the experiences you’ve collected. You can relate to almost anyone and there’s a lot of people around you that need this. Your guardian angel needs you to understand that you were put here to not only discover your truest potential but as a representative of the universe, showing others the potential that they possess.
Your Card: The Fool
There is a quote from one of my favorite books, “The Alchemist”, that popped into my mind when I pulled your card, Gemini, and I have a feeling your guardian angel wants me to tell you. “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.” With that said, and with the presence of The Fool tarot card, take that leap of faith, Gemini. Trust the direction that you are heading in. Though the path is unclear and unworn, you will carve out a path that leads you to your heart’s desire and truest potential. Your guardian angel wants you to know that they have your back. As long as you put your best foot forward, remain focused on what it is you are after, and maintain a pure heart, your guardian angel will do everything in their power to make sure you get to where you’re trying to go. The universe is on your side. It will not lead you astray. You will most likely encounter obstacle after obstacle as you embark on this journey but you will never have to figure it out alone. Your guardian angel will send you hints and clues to help you overcome these obstacles and see the journey through. Your guardian angel is rooting for you, they are your biggest fan, and nobody wants to see you embark on this journey and find your treasure more than they do. Like the illustration on The Fool tarot card, your guardian angel is like the little white dog skipping along the path with The Fool. They are your trusty companion who will be there with you every step of the way.
Your Card: Page of Pentacles
It seems you are searching for a lost part of yourself in all the wrong places, Cancer. Your guardian angel is trying to guide you back to who you were. The person you were before all the bullshit, before the betrayals, before you gave your heart to all the wrong people just for them to take it for granted. You care a lot about people but sometimes you allow their pain to become your pain. You’ve given so much without asking anything in return that right now you feel almost empty. You’ve lost your way but your guardian angel is trying to help you make the journey home. Like The Chariot (your assigned tarot card) you were never meant to stray this far from home, you were always meant to return to your roots and back to the core of who you are. Your guardian angel needs you to know that it’s okay if you take some time to yourself. You feel responsible for the needs of everyone around you and that if you’re not there to be their crutch, then it’s your fault if they fall over. That’s not true. They have their guardian angel guiding them as you have yours. They’ll be okay. It’s time to give back to yourself and save your energy on what matters to you. The Page of Pentacles suggests that your guardian angel thinks it might be best that you reconnect with nature. As human beings, we tend to think of ourselves as separate from nature, but this isn’t true. This is where we came from. In nature, we can get away from the stress of life become lost in our thoughts, and find clarity.
Your Card: Six of Cups
Your guardian angel needs you to know that the good times aren’t over. It is a common misconception that once you enter a certain stage of adulthood, then joy is obsolete. That we must take things “seriously” to properly function. That it is naive and even childish to think that life will always feel as magical and carefree as it once did in the past. This isn’t true, Leo. Don’t allow the responsibilities and seriousness of life to dampen your glow. Your guardian angel misses your smile. They miss your infectious energy. They miss the light in your eyes. It’s been a while since your guardian angel has seen you feel something other than dread, stress, and insecurity in your current state. Don’t confuse this current state as a perpetual state of being. It’s not. What your guardian angel needs you to know is that life isn’t supposed to be happy all the time, but that doesn’t mean it will never feel as magical as it did before. This is just a season that will pass and your guardian angel will do whatever they can to put a smile on your face again. Trust in that.
Your Card: Five of Wands
Your guardian angel needs you to know that this person you keep thinking about doesn’t hate you. They just think it’s best you both go your separate ways in life. They realize you both have areas that need improvement and that self-growth cannot happen alongside one another. So your guardian angel wants to show you the way forward without them. It seems like you’re beating yourself up about a particular situation regarding someone you cared about and thought highly of. Their approval means a lot to you because of how much you idolize them as a person. With that said, what your guardian angel needs you to know is that they wish you the best, but sometimes in life that means letting people go so that you both have the space to grow. Your guardian angel is trying to tell you that you don’t need to be perfect. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over being human. Just learn from what has happened and use it to grow. Yes, while it’s nice to be on everyone’s good side, that’s just not how life works. It doesn’t matter how perfect you try to be, someone gonna hate you. And not only that but sometimes we just fuck up and unintentionally hurt those around us. That’s just a fact of life and existence. But I must ask, what is it about this person’s approval that means so much to you? Why are you having such a hard time letting go of this? Because this seems to be holding you back a lot and your guardian angel wants to see you move forward from this. They want to see you learn and grow from this but beat yourself down into oblivion.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles
Your guardian angel wishes you could see the potential you possess when it comes to your heart’s greatest passion. Many people tend to think of what they truly aspire to be in life as a pipe dream. But you have so much potential and natural talent that will carry you very far, Libra and your guardian angel needs you to realize this within yourself. You were given the gifts that you possess for a reason. There is a higher purpose at play here. At this point it’s almost as if your guardian angel has a vested interest in your success because they themselves are fascinated with what you plan to create. They are big fans of your work and want to see you manifest these things. They want you to know that the world needs your creations, your beauty, your grace, your art, your poetry, whatever manifestation of expression you choose to pursue. The world needs it.
Your Card: Knight of Cups
Your guardian angel wants you to laugh a bit more. Find the humor in these serious situations. Not everything must be taken so seriously, Scorpio. You’re prone to having quite an intense resting bitch face at times thus giving others the wrong impression of your true character. You always seem to stand on business even if there’s no business to stand on. There’s a side of your character that most never get to see and your guardian angel wishes others could see you the way that they see you. You have a wicked sense of humor (though quite dark) and a caring heart. Your guardian angel knows this about you and wants others to see this side of you as well.
Your Card: Queen of Wands
Your guardian angel needs you to know that it’s time to stop caring so much about what others think about you. It seems that lately you’ve been getting wrapped up in petty dramas and false rumors and fear that the things that you have said will be misconstrued amongst your peers. The thing is though you can’t control everything. You can’t control how others feel about you but you can control how you react and feel about yourself. That is the message that your guardian angel has been trying to tell you. Your guardian angel knows your true self. They know your heart better than anybody else and they know the pureness of your kindness. People will talk and there is only so much we can do about that, but understand that actions speak louder than words and the right people will see through the deception. They’ll feel and understand the strength of your character. That’s also because your guardian angel makes sure that they know it.
Your Card: Eight of Cups
Your guardian angel needs you to know that it is time to turn your back on the things, people, and situations that are no longer servicing you in your journey ahead. You’ve done all that you can to remedy the situation and you’ve held up your end of the bargain, now all that there is left to do is move on. Don’t look over your shoulder. Don’t hesitate for even a second. Don’t question whether or not this is for the right reasons because your guardian angel wants you to know that this is for the right reasons. They have been trying to tug at your collar and trying to fix your gaze on the exciting new opportunities that are presenting themselves ahead but you can’t seem to stop looking to the past. Move on, Capricorn. It is time. Close the door, and allow yourself to heal. The good news is that the people and situations that have hurt you in the past are gone now. Your guardian angel wants you to know that one day all that pain will be a distant memory and it won’t mean anything to you. It’s crazy to think that what feels so present right now and the things that we worry about in this moment will become a memory, but it’s true. You’ll get to where you are trying to go, just allow your guardian angel to hold your hand and lead you towards the future. They have so much that they want to show you and they know you’ll be excited for what they have in store for you.
Your Card: Knight of Swords
Your guardian angel wants you to know that you’re not the crazy one, Aquarius. It’s not uncommon for you of all people to feel like the odd one out. The funny thing about being such a pioneer is that people who just don’t see the vision will say you’re crazy or think of you as stupid, when really their the dumb ones. It’s weird the way being in a room of squares will make you feel like you’re the square. But your guardian angel is on your side. They agree with everything that you are saying and the see the vision just as you see it. They know you’re right and even though the people around you want to make you feel as if you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s just cause they’re ignorant. But your guardian angel is right there with you. They want to hear you continue to speak your mind and paint the picture you are trying to convey to others. They need you to know that you will find others who get you and get what you envision, just don’t be afraid to continue speaking your truth.
Your Card: Page of Cups
Your guardian angel needs you to understand the almost psychic abilities that you possess Pisces and use this to your advantage. Unlike some of the other signs, you and your guardian angel have a sort’ve symbiotic relationship. As represented by your assigned tarot card, The Moon, you understand the truths in life that lie beneath the surface and can see past the veil of perception. You’re quite skilled at reading the signs and the synchronicities that your guardian angel sends you, but at times you tend to convince yourself that it’s all in your head. It’s not in your head. You have such strong intuition that will never lead you astray. Any answer you seek, your guardian angel knows how to send it to you in a way that you’ll understand. Your guardian angel loves talking to you through universal poetics that only the two of you understand. It’s like you both have your secret language that no one else would get.