Beauty in the Stillness

What Book You Need To Read This Winter, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Even the most dedicated bookworm might not have considered that your zodiac sign can indicate what book you’ve been missing out on. Whether you’re always on the hunt for a new read or just want to find the right casual read for you, here’s what the stars recommend for your reading list. 


Aries, your go-getter nature makes you a competitive achiever. You might find interest in the trials and tribulations of successful individuals – they’ll provide a motivational boost for your unyielding spirit. Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers: The Story of Success” is the perfect book for you to pick up. The popular non-fiction dives deep into the stories of successful people, demonstrating how cultural backgrounds, upbringing, and timing have contributed to their victories. The book is highly researched but focuses heavily on interesting anecdotes and case studies, offering a deeper understanding of what it means to succeed.


Taurus, your steadfast love of your daily comfortable routines truly distinguishes you from the rest. A book that complements your inclination for stability – and still satisfies your appreciation for life’s luxuries – is “The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living” by Meik Wiking. This piece of non-fiction explores the Danish concept of Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) which encapsulates a feeling of cozy contentment and well-being through appreciating the simple things in life – a concept you’ll surely appreciate and find enriching.


For the ever-curious and intellectual Gemini, a book that stimulates your mind and feeds your insatiable curiosity is a must. Robert Kolker’s Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family is a heart-rending but insightful exploration of a midcentury American family dealing with six of its twelve children diagnosed with schizophrenia. Often described as a real-life detective story, the book is a non-fiction journey through a psychological labyrinth that will engage your analytical mind. If you’re even remotely interested in psychology, mystery, or true crime, you should definitely add this book to your reading list. 


Emotional, sensitive, and deeply intuitive, Cancer, a book that touches the heartstrings while providing a sense of belonging is an excellent choice for you. The House in the Cerulean Sea” by TJ Klune is a heartwarming, fantastic tale about a caseworker at the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, who’s sent to a unique home for misfit children. It’s a beautifully tender exploration of love and acceptance that complements your nurturing nature.


Leo, your charisma often places you in the spotlight, with your zest for life being as infectious as it is inspiring. Madeline Miller’s dramatic yet romantic tale, “Circe”, should captivate your attention. This reimagining of the Odyssey from the perspective of the sorceress Circe offers a blend of mythological magic and emotional depth, appealing to your theatrical side. If witchcraft, romance, and a long line of dramatic characters sound like your cup of tea, give Circe a try.


Virgo, your meticulous nature sets you apart from the other zodiac signs. A book that fuels your desire for organization and harmonious surroundings is “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. It’s a guide that mirrors your natural penchant for order, providing only the most practical advice on decluttering and organizing your home. Let’s be clear, Virgo: we know you’re already the most clutter-free sign in the zodiac. But Kondo’s no-nonsense methodology and dedication to finding the most efficient ways of organizing a household is practically its own art form. You’ll certainly love the opportunity to practice her methods in your own space.


Articulate and diplomatic Libra, you’re often attracted to beauty, peace, and harmony. You’ll find the book Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen to be an excellent choice. This classic novel delves into themes of love, family, and the necessity of balance – especially between logic and emotion. It perfectly reflects your desire for equilibrium in relationships, while its exploration of societal expectations and romance aligns seamlessly with your harmonious and empathetic nature. It’s a charming and thoughtful read that will appeal to your refined sensibilities.


Scorpio, your passionate and resourceful nature often goes hand in hand with your love for unraveling mysteries. To indulge this characteristic, dive into “Crooked House” by Agatha Christie. In this murder mystery, a woman’s would-be fiancé is thrown into the role of detective when her grandfather is murdered – and absolutely no one in the household has any motive to kill him. It’s one of Christie’s fans’ favorite books (and certainly one of her most twisted).


Adventure-loving Sagittarius, your optimism and zest for life often send you on exciting journeys. You should definitely pick up a thrilling and immersive fantasy book. If you haven’t already tried it, a book that feeds your adventurous spirit like no other is J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit. This epic fantasy tale follows the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, who embarks on a quest filled with thrilling encounters and breathtaking landscapes. It’s a tale that should appeal to your need for freedom and exploration – and its focus on elaborate world-building will have your attention before the first chapter is done.


Disciplined and practical Capricorn, your persistent nature often leads you to achieve your goals. A book that fuels your ambition and need for success is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. This influential guidebook, filled with practical advice on personal and professional success, mirrors your determination and aspiration for mastery in all facets of life. The lessons are straightforward yet important, and the book has high ratings from nearly every single one of its readers.


Aquarius, your originality and keen intellect often fuel your interest in futuristic ideas. A book that syncs with your innovative spirit is Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary. This engrossing sci-fi adventure, filled with scientific intricacies and impressive world-building, centers around a lone astronaut tasked with saving the Earth. It’s an exciting journey that mirrors your visionary nature, providing thought-provoking insights into the realm of possibility.


Dreamy and imaginative Pisces, your empathetic and creative nature often draws you to mystical realms. Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a captivating novel that weaves the tale of a man revisiting his childhood haunts and the magical occurrences he once experienced. Set in a surreal, dreamlike world, this tale of memory and magic aligns perfectly with your fantastical imagination and innate artistic flair.