What Each Zodiac Can Do To Stop Ending Up In Bad Relationships
Jeff Crain / Twenty20

What Each Zodiac Can Do To Stop Ending Up In Bad Relationships


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to stop jumping from relationship to relationship, or crush to crush. Take some time to yourself to figure out what you want. Ask yourself whether these people you’re chasing really deserve you or whether they’re simply a fun distraction for a while.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to put yourself out there more. You shouldn’t change your entire personality in order to find love, but if you aren’t even approaching the people you want to date, how are they ever going to get to know you? You need to be a little more bold and chase after the people you want instead of agreeing to date whoever approaches you.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to be a little more cynical. Don’t assume that your person is telling you the truth, that they didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, that they have the same morals and heart that you do. If something isn’t adding up, question it. Their behavior could be a red flag.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to trust your gut. Stop giving others the benefit of the doubt because they haven’t done something unforgivable yet. If you have a bad feeling about them or they do little things that make you uncomfortable, you don’t have to keep giving them chances. You can walk away. 


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to stop settling for anyone who gives you a little bit of attention. You can enjoy their compliments and texts without entering a relationship with them. Remember, you don’t owe them anything. You don’t have to go out with them just because they were nice to you.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to be more honest about your emotions. The good ones and the bad ones. You don’t want to keep your complaints to yourself because communicating could be the difference between a healthy relationship and a terrible one. And if this person doesn’t respect your boundaries or want to hear your thoughts, you know early that they’re no good for you.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to put your foot down. Set strict boundaries. Don’t feel guilty about telling partners what you will and will not tolerate. If they ignore your boundaries or accuse you of overreacting, then they don’t deserve you. Remember, you’re allowed to leave. You don’t have to keep forgiving them and giving them more chances.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to risk rejection. Stop going after ‘safer’ options who you don’t think will hurt you because anyone could hurt you. You might as well date the person you really want — as long as they aren’t setting off any major red flags.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to be more patient. Don’t rush into relationships before getting to know the person. Take your time. There’s no rush to reach the next step, so pace yourself. The faster you get attached to this person, the harder it will be to leave if you find out they’re no good for you.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to stop picking partners based on the way they look on paper. Sometimes, the best person for you will look nothing like you expect. It’s good to have standards and qualities you look for in a partner, but if they don’t fit super specific boxes, they could still be good for you.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to stop chasing after the same type of people again and again. You can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting history not to repeat itself. If you don’t work well with a certain type of person, try someone new. Experiment a little.


If you want to stop ending up in bad relationships, you need to work on your confidence. Give yourself more credit. You’re a catch, but since you’re unable to see that, you’ve been settling for people beneath you. People who don’t treat you as well as you deserve. You don’t have to love yourself in order to be loved, but finding more confidence could help you weed out the wrong people.