What Each Zodiac Can Expect This December, According To A Tarot Reader
Your Card: The Star
This month you may find yourself deeply reassessing your long-term goals and visions, Aries. It seems that leading up to this month you felt a strong sense of direction and had a clear-cut plan as to how to achieve that. However, The Star tarot card suggests that certain events might align in a way that makes you consider alternative routes or even completely abandon the plans you’ve already made in pursuit of a new potential outcome. The Star represents futuristic thinking, new directions, and faith in what will come. Though you may be feeling thrown off by trying something new, you’ll find that going with the flow instead of fighting what could inevitably lead to a better outcome may be your best bet. This month will have you questioning what is more important, getting shit done at all costs or doing it the right way even if it means that your goals and plans may take longer to actualize. At the Winter Solstice on December 21st, the choice might be easier as new goals and opportunities start to present themselves. With that said, slow down before you embark on something you can’t finish. This month will set you up for the new directions you will be taking throughout 2025. Your life is going to look a lot different than what you imagined but in a good way as long as you remain flexible.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles
For the first time in a long time, you are going to be living the life that you’ve worked for, Taurus. Ten of Pentacles suggests that you will be achieving a level of stability you’ve worked hard for. The sacrifices you’ve made will start to pay off in December. This will set you up for the New Year where life won’t be as unpredictable as it was in the past. While this is developing, there are some family matters that you may find yourself dealing with close to the end of the month as a result of a Mars influence. Your lack of stability in the past may have contributed to growing tensions between you and family members. To progress in the direction that you want, these conflicts must be settled. Your focus this month will be drawn towards restoring a sense of balance and peace in every aspect of your life so that in 2025, you can enjoy the life you’ve been working towards.
Your Card: Ace of Wands
Overall, this month should be a joyful and sentimental month for you, Gemini. Many loose ends will be tied and this December may be the most enjoyable and memorable month you’ve had all year. With the New Moon on December 1st in your 7th house of partnerships, you may find yourself entering a new romantic commitment or even being offered a new position at work. Either way, you will be stepping into a new role that will challenge you in exciting. This won’t be overwhelming at all and you’ll find yourself up for the challenge. The Ace of Wands indicates a level of passion and burning desire that will invigorate you. It’ll give life that spark of magic you’ve been missing lately. Speaking of magic, on the December 15th Full Moon, you’ll be feeling the holiday spirit and enjoying this time with the best people you could ask for. There will be very little downtime this month but it won’t be exhausting.
Your Card: Five of Pentacles
Though nothing much will change during this month externally, it seems that you may be feeling some sort of internal chaos that you cannot pinpoint the source of, Cancer. You might just be feeling all over the place for one reason or another. This isn’t out of the ordinary as the holidays are often a very hectic time of the year. Trying to juggle work as well as making time to enjoy the festivities with friends and family can be hard. The Five of Pentacles suggests that while you’re physically present in all areas of life such as work and your personal life, you mentally may find yourself elsewhere. The issue isn’t necessarily anything external that you should have to worry about but rather the result of a lack of structure in your own life. Get organized at the start of December as best as you can. Clear out whatever clutter or junk that you’re holding onto in your physical space. It’s time to finally tackle all these little projects you’ve been pushing off for too long. Throw away any junk in your home that serves no purpose and is just creating clutter. Stop hiding boxes under your bed that you know you’ll never need. Donate clothes that you don’t even wear anymore. Remember that out of sight doesn’t necessarily mean out of mind. Our homes are a representation of our mental state. And if things have been building up in your home below the surface, then the same can be said about what is going on in your mind. Embrace minimalism this December and you’ll find that you’re able to be more present and enjoy the moment without having to worry about that endless to-do list that’s been growing in your mind. Getting organized and creating a sense of structure in your home will not only help your mental state but also be a great way to begin the new year.
Your Card: King of Wands
It seems that a common recurring theme for you this year has been repairing old relationships or completely cutting ties with people you once held close. While last month you found yourself motivated and enthusiastic in regards to improving your personal life, December might be a bit emotionally overwhelming with you as you truly face destructive patterns of your past. This month you may find yourself doing the work of taking accountability. It won’t be easy but if it’s a fresh start that you’re looking for, then this is the only path towards that clean slate, Leo. Around the December 21st Winter Solstice, there will be several influential retrogrades that could aid in repairing relationships and forging a stronger connection. Alternatively, this solstice could also help you to rekindle a passion of yours that you’ve lost interest in throughout the past few months. Your gift of creativity will help you greatly in your quest for inner healing so utilize it as much as you can. You’ll feel inspired by the December 15th Full Moon which will trigger feelings of nostalgia as you continue to reflect on the past. Though December may not be a highly eventful month for you compared to the excitement you may have experienced earlier in the year, it will be a transformative month.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
Over the course of this past year, you’ve made some genuine strides towards bettering your life which have seen some positive results. However, though your external circumstances are somewhat improving, the Seven of Cups suggests that you are still seeking toxic forms of escapism to cope with the root of the problem. On top of that, the Seven of Cups also indicates deception or illusions that are clouding your judgment. With that said, during the Winter Solstice on December 21st, Mars will be affecting your 12th house of sacrifice, solitude, and safety signaling that there may be some challenges in this area of your life. This could mean that certain toxic cycles you’ve exhibited in the past or toxic relationship patterns might catch up to you again and it is up to you as to whether or not you want to entertain this. This month may provide you with the chance to finally put an end to these cycles for good. It’s time to do some social spring cleaning before the new year. Assess who is a positive influence and who is a negative influence. With all of this, you may find yourself turning your energy outward and giving back to those who have always shown you kindness. Embrace the spirit of this month through selfless acts of kindness. You’ll find your spirits lifted as you realize that you always get what you give in the end. This will you set up for a very transformative 2025 where you finally see the changes in your life you’ve always wanted.
Your Card: Seven of Wands
This December, you will be faced with a huge blessing in disguise that could lead you towards greater success, Libra. This is most likely with regard to your professional life but could also have to do with your personal life. So while at first, whatever is thrown your way this month may seem like a huge negative setback, you may be able to parlay it into a huge win. This will most likely occur closer to the Winter Solstice on December 21st.
Your Card: Three of Wands
This December is all about figuring out where you plan to head next, Scorpio. You might be seeing certain situations that once brought you great stress come to some sort of conclusion that will set you up for the next chapter of your life. There will be many bookends that could also provide you with the closure you’ve been seeking in the past couple of months. The Three of Wands is a reminder to move forward no matter what. Regardless of how certain events play out, stick to the plans that you’ve set for yourself. You’re making positive changes and moving backward will ruin the purpose of those endings taking place to begin with. As you continue moving forward, certain opportunities that you thought would never come to fruition may finally come about. If you’ve given up hope waiting for something to occur, then this December may see your passions resurge. In many ways, you manifested this outcome by simply continuing to move forward and not waiting around for life to happen.
Your Card: The Chariot
This year you’ve been faced with many challenges and deeply profound self-revelations, Sagittarius. And starting with the New Moon in your sign on December 1st, the lessons you’ve learned throughout the year will be tested around this time. Whatever misunderstandings that may exist between you and the people closest to you may finally be resolved during this time. The Chariot suggests that you’ve undergone great enlightenment as a result of specific experiences that may have changed your outlook on life, yourself, and how you wish to go about dealing with things moving forward into the new year. Everything happens for a reason and so it is up to you to see the positives in even the worst of situations. All of the bad times are far behind you as you continue to charge forward with this profound new outlook.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune
This December could offer you the turning point of your entire year, Capricorn. You’ve been greatly tested throughout this year and if you’ve managed to stick to your morals and stay out of messy drama, then the Wheel of Fortune tarot card promises good fortune coming your way. However, if you’ve acted in ways that impacted others negatively, bad karma may be catching up with you this month, Capricorn. The theme of your December will be to let go of the things that you cannot control. This mindset will give you greater freedom and result in a more positive outcome. The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that what is done cannot be undone, so leave it up to fate to decide what is right for you. With that in mind, karmic justice will be on your side this December. So let the trash take itself out while you keep your hands clean and focus on having memorable experiences with those you love most. The universe will guide you towards the best outcome if you just trust in it. While the first half of the month will be filled with a lot of social excitement, the New Moon on December 30th will help you to release whatever has been weighing you down from the past and embrace the future with great optimism and energy.
Your Card: Four of Wands
You may find that your priorities are greatly shifting this December, Aquarius. Whereas in the past it’s been all about you and your journey through life, a Mars influence could cause you to shift your perspectives towards those around you more and more. Specifically about a close partnership or romantic relationship. This is more so apparent with the presence of the Four of Wands which could indicate a homecoming of sorts. This could highlight the scope of your journey over the past year. You are slowly yet surely learning how to exist as a unit as opposed to just an individual. The theme of this month will no doubt be community and you will find that the personal wishes you’ve always hoped would manifest come true in the presence of good company. The people around you will not only uplift you this month but also be there to celebrate with you as well. You may be realizing the importance of close connections as these are the people who will continue to push you towards greater heights along the way.
Your Card: Five of Wands
Tensions may be incredibly high at the start of this December, Pisces. Great opportunities could be presenting themselves with regards to your career but the Five of Wands indicates that you may have to fight for what you want. This could also have to do with a certain romantic connection where the people around you wish to sabotage the coming together of you and this other person. Whatever the context may be, the message is clear, don’t back down. There could be a lot of drama brewing around you that has nothing to do with you personally that is designed to hold you back from what is rightfully yours. Don’t let it deter you. You’re typically quite passive and prefer to take a step back and let things play out as they should but this month you are being tested. Passivity is not going to lead to a favorable outcome. Now more than ever, you must tell the world what you want, and take decisive actions towards attaining that goal. By the Winter Solstice on December 21st, you may see your efforts being rewarded with great progress in your professional life. This month is pushing you towards great personal growth that will aid you greatly in the coming new year.