Lany-Jade Mondou

What Each Zodiac Cares About Too Much (In One Sentence)


You care too much about success and will do whatever it takes to make it further in your field, even if it means burning yourself out.


You care too much about milestones and are stressing yourself out trying to reach certain goals by certain ages.


You care too much about toxic people who are never going to treat you right and don’t deserve your time or attention.


You care too much about what other people think and are terrified of them judging you or disagreeing with you so you rarely speak your mind.


You care too much about social media and the way that you’re perceived by complete strangers on the internet so you’re scared to be entirely you.


You care too much about appearances and looking like you have your life together so you never admit when you’re struggling and could use a hand.


You care too much about relationships and are terrified to spend time alone because you feel like romantic love is everything.


You care too much about the past and what happened yesterday so you have a hard time letting go and moving forward.


You care too much about status and want others to realize how successful and impressive you are in order to feel validated.


You care too much about looking smart and always being right so you have a hard time accepting and admitting when you’re wrong or unaware.


You care too much about the future and rarely stop to enjoy the moment because you’re too focused on what comes next.


You care too much about being liked and will make choices based off of what will make others happy instead of what will make yourself happy.