What Each Zodiac Must Stop Lying To Themselves About, According To A Tarot Reader
Your card: 6 of Wands
You like public recognition and acclaim a lot more than you’d like to admit. You do just achieve things for the sake of them, you like your hard work to be noticed, too. In fact, that’s the best part.
Your card: The Emperor
You really can’t handle authority. While you might say that it’s the message that gets you riled up, sometimes it’s just the mere idea that someone wants to give you rules and regulations. You’ll rebel just for the sake of rebelling.
Your card: The Devil
As much as you’d hate to admit it, there are certain things that you’re having an addictive relationship with, whether it’s substances or food or sex. And if you let them go on for long enough, you’ll have a hard time turning back.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
You have all sorts of plans for your future when it comes to money or your career, but what are you actually doing about it? You can dream all you want, but until you take steps, that future will remain a fantasy.
Your card: The Magician
You like to act like all the good things that happen to you are your own doing, and all the bad is just out of your hands. Rather, you’re manifesting both ends of the spectrum. Take responsibility when things don’t go well.
Your card: 2 of Swords
Despite being really good at planning, there’s a big decision in your life that you’ve been avoiding. Running from your problems doesn’t make them go away. If you continue to avoid the decision, it’ll continue to weigh on you.
Your card: The Chariot
You know if you just put your mind to something, you can get it done. So why have you been stalling? Why aren’t you doing what you know deep down you need to be doing? Procrastination isn’t a virtue.
Your card: 2 of Wands
You’re getting way too comfortable in your “comfort zone.” You reason it away by saying that you don’t need anything to change. But there’s that little voice in the back of your head that needs something new and different. It’s time to listen.
Your card: 4 of Cups
There’s been something on your mind lately. Something’s bothering you. But it certainly doesn’t seem like it, does it? That’s because you’ll do anything to distract yourself from what’s really going on. You can’t run forever.
Your card: The Tower
You don’t handle it well when there’s a sudden, huge change in your life. You’d prefer to pretend like nothing is happening, but is that working, really? All of that negativity will seep out into every part of your life if you keep this up.
Your card: The High Priestess
Your intuition is way better than you give it credit for. In fact, it’s been telling you something that you wholly don’t want to hear. Ignore it all you want, but you’ll have to deal with the problem eventually.
Your card: The Star
While having hope is a very good, necessary thing, sometimes it’s a good idea to let it go. You won’t get everything you want just because you hope or wish for it.