TC Agency / Midjourney

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From Jupiter Retrograde In Gemini (10/9 – 2/4)

Get ready, everyone—Jupiter in Gemini is starting its retrograde!

Before you begin stressing, know that this isn’t a bad omen. Retrogrades are periods where we slow down and reflect, pondering the “why” and “how” behind our decisions, thoughts, and feelings. Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, has been in Gemini since May, which has shone a light on our communication and what information we take in. Information is power, but information overload can be draining, and misinformation isn’t helpful. As the retrograde occurs from October 9th through February 4th, 2025, we get a chance to breathe and revisit areas of our life impacted by these themes, allowing us to smooth things out and better handle these ideas later on by looking inward and seeing what roles we play in what happens to us.

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what each zodiac sign should expect during the Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini.


You can’t be everywhere at once, Aries, as hard as you may try. Jupiter in Gemini may have upped your social calendar, and the buzz likely has felt invigorating. However, no one can do it all, and this retrograde in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community reminds you of your limitations. Even if you want to say “yes” to every invite or opportunity to hang out and chat, sometimes you have to be honest about what you can reasonably handle. Using these few months to determine your priorities and figure out where to invest your time and mental energy will be for the best. 


You’ve been open to opportunities to make money, Taurus, but now it’s time to start narrowing things down. As the retrograde goes through your 2nd House of Income and Values, having an array of options to choose from is a great position; now it’s time to figure out what will be both the best benefit and help you where you want to be down the road. Side hustles are great, but are they keeping you from something more permanent? Small tasks and favors can build connections, but do they align with where you want your career to go? Slow down and make some tough calls if you have to.


You’re on a self-improvement path, Gemini, and it’s with your investment. This event occurs in your 1st House of Self and Identity, and rather than chasing many different avenues, you’re starting to question everything you know about yourself or how you present yourself to the world. Uncertainty will want to hang over you in terms of the version of yourself you want to be, so using this time to reflect on what is important and how best to reflect that will be of utmost importance for you.


It’s a good time to take a break, Cancer, so don’t fight it. As Jupiter retrogrades through your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, prioritizing rest is what you need. You may feel the need to focus on showing up for everyone else, but currently you need to ask yourself how you can best take care of you. It’s not a crime to help others, but draining yourself until you have nothing left isn’t good for anyone, so use this time to give yourself some of your nurturing energy.


You’ve been on a mission these last few months, Leo, but now it’s time to examine where your efforts are best directed. Opportunities to network and connect with those who share your vision and ideals have likely been opening left and right, but now with the retrograde moving through your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, it’s good to give your goals a more focused direction. Rather than saying yes to every luncheon or gathering, think about who can help you reach your goals and how you can benefit them in their journey (because not everything is about what you solely get out of it). Being a team player is a good thing, but which team are you trying to align yourself with?


You have some decisions to make surrounding your career, Virgo. Lately, it’s no shock that you may have been thinking about a new direction for your future—the world is your oyster, after all! However, with this retrograde moving through your 10th House of Career and Public Image, rather than pivoting between all the different options, it’s time to get a better idea of what you want to do. Slowing down and determining your goals, skillset, and where you will be most valued all come into play, as well as what will fulfill you on a soul level. You know you have much to offer, so where do you want to invest your time and expertise?


You’re looking to expand your horizons, Libra, but you may need to slow down first. As the retrograde occurs in your 9th House of Higher Education, Travel, and Philosophy, it’s time to ask yourself where you want to grow, not just if you want to. Taking on plenty of new ideas and experiences is great, but sometimes, we can lose sight of why we need to expand in the first place. Take time to sit with what you want out of this life so that when the retrograde ends, you can run full speed ahead toward it.


It’s time to figure out what you need in your connections, Scorpio. With the retrograde moving through your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you’ll notice a trend toward needing to slow down and examine how you’re bonded to others, whether through legal/financial connections or deeply intertwined emotional ones. The serious nature of these bonds means the steps you’ve taken to solidify them are worth applauding, but now it’s good to step back and see where needs and desires are being met and where they aren’t. Rather than diving headfirst and hoping for the best, what can you do to ensure your connections flourish?


Your relationships are coming into focus, Sagittarius. Whether you’ve been making new friends or romantic connections or felt more possibilities opening up in your existing ones, this retrograde through your 7th House of Partnerships asks you to cut through the rose-colored glasses and see how balanced these connections are. It’s easy to get lost in the optimism, and you should hold onto it, but you also need to give as much as you receive.


You need a reset, Capricorn. As the retrograde works through your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you may start questioning how you’ve been structuring and scheduling your time, especially if you’re feeling the toll it’s bound to take. Rather than burying yourself in work, use this time to prioritize what you genuinely want and need to get done rather than taking on everything to give yourself value. Your ability to work hard matters, but it also matters what you choose to commit your time to.


You’ve been open to possibilities and fun, Aquarius, and now it’s time to figure out how to make it a more significant part of your life. As the retrograde moves through your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you’re revisiting what genuinely inspires you and makes you happy and focusing on making it a more intentional practice. You can wait for pleasure and inspiration to “happen” to you, but truthfully, we all have an active hand in making these things happen for ourselves. If you sit around and wait for it to fall in your lap, you may not get what you’re looking for—it’s time to take charge and revisit what you want, not what you will settle for.


Your home life needs your attention, Pisces, so it’s time to settle in. This retrograde is working through your 4th House of Home and Roots, and while the last few months may have had you examining all the possibilities of what home looks like or what family involves for you, now it’s time to reflect on your choices in these areas. Additionally, you may reflect even more on your past and upbringing and sit with the realities of how it impacts your life today. What generational curses are you still carrying, and how can you finally break the cycles needed to feel completely secure and safe within yourself?