What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Sagittarius Season

Ah, yes, Sagittarius season has arrived! From November 22 to December 21, the optimistic, adventurous fire sign is taking the spotlight, radiating an excitable energy everyone should look forward to!

After Scorpio’s introspective, intense Eclipse season, Sagittarius is ready to help you cut loose and expand your horizons. Sagittarius is a sign that is focused on opening your mind, taking on a new adventure, and pushing boundaries. With The Sagittarius New Moon taking place on November 23, the season is starting with a clean slate of manifesting new opportunities and planting some seeds in unexpected ways. A Full Moon in Gemini on December 7 may ask us to release some previously tight-held expectations and be open to something new. Then on December 20, Jupiter will transition into fellow fire sign Aries, closing out the season with an extra boost of luck and abundance right when we need it most. 

Check out your zodiac sign below (your Sun and Rising!) to see what you can expect for Sagittarius season!


Your fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, is pushing you to be open-minded and curious this month—even amidst the chaos of the holiday season. The good news is you’re great at rolling with the punches and taking on new challenges. Sagittarius will shine a light on your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, which is a great time to embrace a new version of yourself—especially when Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, and expansion, re-enters your sign. Take a new class, try a new hobby or skill—just give yourself room to explore and grow. 


As Sagittarius season works through your 8th House of Intimacy, Bonds, and Joint Finances, be aware of the connections you’re still holding onto. After an intense eclipse season, you are more aware now what you want and need in love, so don’t be afraid to bring these lessons with you. With Jupiter in Aries showing up in your 12th House, it’s also a season meant to be true to yourself and not to doubt your intuition—you have so much proof to back it up. When the Full Moon takes place in your House of Security and Resources, a little luck goes a long way in reminding you of your worth.


Your relationships require your attention, Gemini. Sagittarius season is activating your 7th House of Relationships, meaning that being intentional in connecting is a major theme during these next few weeks—as well as relying on your relationships for support. With Mars continuing its retrograde through your sign, you’ve likely felt a little sluggish and out of sorts in terms of taking action and motivation, but your loved ones are capable of making you feel like yourself again if you open up a little. In fact, with Jupiter moving through your 11th House of Friendships, your friends may be what keeps you going right now.


Sagittarius season spotlights your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Health, turning your focus towards your (likely) hectic schedules during the holiday season. While work and your daily routines will take up plenty of energy, make sure to rest and don’t neglect your mind and body—self-care is also important. The New Moon in Sagittarius will be a great time to sit and take a look at your upcoming schedules over the next couple of weeks and make a plan that balances it all out.


Sagittarius season is showing up in your 5th House of Pleasure, Romance, and Creativity, which is putting you in the mood to celebrate. Your fellow fire sign is sparking some creativity and giving you plenty of excuses to connect and create, so take advantage of it! With Jupiter moving through your House of Philosophy, Expansion, and Higher Education, there is much to look forward to—it’s okay to embrace it fully. 


Your 4th House of Home and Roots will receive plenty of attention for Sagittarius season, an excellent time for you to refresh before the full holiday swing comes into play. While it’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed, this time of year is also about connecting with your loved ones, so give them your time and attention right now. It’s important not to allow this season to rush by you in a blur of to-do lists and anxious thoughts, so take a breather and try to relax.


With Sagittarius season showing up in your 3rd House of Communication, Close Friends/Siblings, and Short Term Travel, don’t be afraid to be clear about what you need from others these next few weeks. You may feel inspired and revitalized by the people closest to you in ways you haven’t been for a long time, especially with Jupiter traveling through your 7th House of Relationships. You have always known the value of others, so lean into it.


As Sagittarius season works through your 2nd House of Security and Resources, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need during this time. You know your worth, and last month’s Eclipse season has only reinforced that, so take that confidence and those revelations with you. You may experience an uptick in your finances, but budget it wisely!


Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!!! Your time has arrived, so there is no need to waste any time dwelling on the past. You may feel inspired to reinvent yourself—is the version of you that you show to the world matching what’s going on inside? There are many ways you can approach your next steps, so take the time to figure out where your heart and mind are leading you. 


Self-reflection is at the center for you this Sagittarius season, Capricorn. With Sagittarius focusing on your 12th House of Spirituality and Secrets, this is a time to reflect and reenergize—especially considering Venus and Mercury will be moving into your 1st House of Self during this period. You have the confidence and motivation to forge your own path, but grounding yourself during these next few weeks will be in your best interest.


With Sagittarius spotlighting your 11th House of Friends and Networking, this season is ideal for reconnecting with old friends—and opening up your time and energy to some new ones. Idealistic and optimistic Sag is asking you to step out of your comfort zone a bit when it comes to seeking out and keeping in touch, despite your tendency to recluse and close yourself off. With Jupiter in Aries transiting through your 3rd House of Communication and Close Friends, you’ll get an extra boost in connection that will be extremely helpful. It’s important to remember that you don’t always have to disconnect and go through things alone.


Your career path is worth paying attention to during this season, Pisces. With fellow mutable sign Sagittarius moving through your 10th House of Career and Social Status, you’ll notice some attention shifting your way about your progress there. This might be a good time to ride the wave and ask for a promotion or raise if you want to stay on this path—with Jupiter in Aries transiting your 2nd House of Security and Resources, you could see some extra cash flow coming these next few weeks.