Griffin Wooldridge

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs to Let Go Of This Eclipse Season

As we transcend past the solar eclipse in Libra, we’re invited to reflect on what’s been holding us back, particularly in our relationships and how we view ourselves through the lens of others. Aligned with the South Node, this cosmic event is all about release and letting go of outdated patterns. Here’s what each zodiac sign needs to leave behind to step into their most authentic self this eclipse season.

Aries: Let go of impulsivity.

Aries, your fire and passion fuel your ambitions, but this eclipse asks you to temper that with patience. Release the need to act on every emotion and desire immediately. Instead, embrace strategic action and give yourself space to reflect before leaping forward.

Taurus: Let go of material attachments.

You treasure security, Taurus, but sometimes your need for stability turns into clinging to the familiar. This eclipse encourages you to release your attachment to material possessions and comforts that no longer serve you, allowing room for personal growth and deeper emotional connections.

Gemini: Let go of scattered energy.

Your curious mind is always buzzing with new ideas, Gemini, but this eclipse asks you to focus. Let go of juggling too many projects or relationships at once. By narrowing your focus, you’ll find deeper fulfillment and clarity in your pursuits.

Cancer: Let go of emotional over-dependency.

Cancer, you are the nurturer, but sometimes your emotional security becomes tied to others’ approval or needs. This eclipse calls you to let go of relying on external validation for your emotional well-being. Trust in your inner strength and self-sufficiency.

Leo: Let go of the spotlight.

You shine brightly, Leo, but this eclipse encourages you to step out of the limelight for a moment. Release the need for constant attention and validation from others. In doing so, you’ll discover the quiet confidence that comes from knowing your worth without external applause.

Virgo: Let go of perfectionism.

Your meticulous nature serves you well, Virgo, but striving for perfection can be draining. This eclipse asks you to release the pressure to be flawless in everything you do. Embrace imperfection, and allow yourself to grow through mistakes.

Libra: Let go of people-pleasing.

As a Libra, harmony is key, but sometimes that leads to sacrificing your own needs to avoid conflict. This eclipse urges you to release the need to be liked by everyone. Prioritize your own well-being, and trust that true balance comes from within, not external approval.

Scorpio: Let go of control.

You’re intense and passionate, Scorpio, but sometimes your desire for control keeps you from flowing with life’s changes. This eclipse asks you to release your grip on outcomes and trust the universe’s plan. Surrendering control will open you up to deeper transformation.

Sagittarius: Let go of restlessness.

You crave adventure and new experiences, Sagittarius, but this eclipse invites you to find contentment in the present moment. Release the need to constantly search for the next big thing, and you’ll discover joy in the here and now.

Capricorn: Let go of rigidity.

Your discipline is admirable, Capricorn, but this eclipse calls you to let go of your need for strict control over every aspect of your life. Embrace flexibility and allow yourself to be open to new paths, even if they’re unexpected.

Aquarius: Let go of emotional detachment.

Aquarius, your intellect often takes precedence over emotions, but this eclipse asks you to let down your guard. Release the need to remain detached in your relationships and allow yourself to fully feel and express your emotions.

Pisces: Let go of self-doubt.

You are deeply intuitive, Pisces, but sometimes your sensitivity leads to self-doubt. This eclipse encourages you to release those limiting beliefs and trust your inner wisdom. Embrace your dreams with confidence, knowing that you have all the tools you need to manifest them.

This eclipse season is a cosmic reminder that in order to evolve, we must release what no longer serves us. Let go, and step into your fullest, most magnetic self.