Letícia Alvares

What Makes Your Soul Shine, According To Astrology

What makes you feel your best? Each zodiac sign has an idea or activity that puts them in their element. Whether it’s finding an excellent book to read or planning an exciting trip abroad, there’s something that causes every star sign to glow from within. So, what makes you happiest? Here’s what makes your soul shine, based on your zodiac sign’s unique traits.

Aries: Exercise

Aries thrives on competition, but it’s really exercise that makes the first zodiac sign shine the brightest. You’re at your best when competing with yourself; since you know you’re number one anyway, nothing feels as good as defeating your own record. You need a physical release for all that pent-up fire, aggression, and anxiety. While some zodiacs enjoy yoga or ballet, you prefer activities like running, kickboxing, or dancing to make your spirit glow. Nothing compares to the feeling of running your fastest mile or attending an invigorating dance class. It relieves stress, boosts your confidence, and gets your creative juices flowing; essentially, exercise makes you the best version of yourself.

Taurus: Nature

Taurus people have naturally green thumbs and are instinctively drawn to plant life. Your soul shines when you connect with nature or spend time outdoors. You tend to be a workaholic and a bit of a bed bug, so you must make a conscious effort to get outside. Although you love your comfort zone, pushing yourself to go on a hike somewhere new is incredibly rewarding. Or, if you’re not feeling quite that adventurous, have a picnic in the park or invest in a new houseplant. Connecting with lush greenery and beautiful scenery lights you up and makes you feel at peace.

Gemini: Knowledge

You love learning new things, and nothing delights your soul quite as much as a good book or a documentary. The wheels of your mind are always turning, and you look beneath the surface of things to understand their deeper meaning. For example, while some zodiac signs get excited about trying a hot restaurant for the food, you’re more interested in the concept, the chef’s background, and what makes the ingredients work together. You love diving deep into any topic, especially ones that spark your particular interests. Go to the library and pick out a stack of books on your many various hobbies, and you won’t be able to stop grinning as you carry your haul out the door. 

Cancer: Children

Cancer is considered “the mother of the zodiac.” Whether you have children of your own or not, you benefit from time spent with kids. Children allow you to come out of your shell, inspiring you to embrace vulnerability and be your authentic self. If kids aren’t your thing, connecting with your nurturing and playful side makes you feel best. Dressing up like a fairy princess or pampering your pets is just as rewarding, and makes your heart sing.

Leo: Compliments

Yes, you Leos adore compliments on your beauty, sex appeal, and other external factors. But you really love it when others recognize how big your heart is. It makes you feel truly seen and understood when someone compliments your generosity. You thrive on attention and enjoy the spotlight, so you’ll happily take whatever compliments you can get. But those who know you best will dive beneath the surface and praise your other wonderful qualities, such as your charisma, bravery, and kind-heartedness. Your soul shines when you receive sincere and meaningful admiration.

Virgo: Cooking

You’re all about your health, Virgo, so making wholesome, delicious foods excites you. Unlike many star signs who view cooking as drudgery and do it just to survive, you enjoy the process just as much as the result. You also like nurturing your loved ones by providing them with tasty, nutritious meals. Spending time exploring new recipes, watching cooking shows and videos, and getting experimental with food allows you to explore your creative side in a practical way. If your soul is a battery-powered light, then the kitchen is your charging station.

Libra: Art

Beauty is important to you, Libra, but sometimes your obsession with aesthetics can make you seem a little shallow. Instead of focusing on appearances, shift your focus to art. After all, your zodiac sign is guided by Venus, the planet of love, art, and beauty. Visiting a museum, working on a craft project, or even watching videos on different art techniques inspires you. You adore being surrounded by beauty, so why not put your hands and mind to work by creating something gorgeous? Your soul will shine with joy as you work on your latest masterpiece. 

Scorpio: Love

Of course, every zodiac sign wants and needs love. But romantic love is especially important to you, Scorpio. You may have spent much of your young life feeling misunderstood, yearning for your “other half” to come along and complete you. You don’t need love and affection from everyone; you just want the devotion of that one special person. If you have a spouse or a long-term partner, that’s all you need to be fulfilled. Spending time with your partner and strengthening your bond makes your heart glow. If you’re single, connecting with close friends fills you with joy, or going on dates gets you that much closer to finding your soulmate.

Sagittarius: Travel

You love to travel more than any other zodiac sign, spunky Sagittarius. You become bored and restless when stuck in one place for too long, and you crave the excitement of exploring a new location. Planning a trip will set your soul on fire, and even saving money becomes less of a chore when you know it’s going toward your next adventure. You’re like a kid on Christmas Day when it’s time to go to the airport, and your spirit’s happy glow shines as bright as the sun.

Capricorn: Praise

You hate to admit it, stoic Capricorn, but external validation is important to you. You are incredibly determined and hard-working, but what is it all for? When you reach the top, self-congratulations and financial rewards only go so far. What you truly want is the respect and admiration of your peers. You long for praise and recognition, although you would never fish for compliments. Let others know how much it means to you when they acknowledge your work ethic, reliability, kindness, and other wonderful qualities. You come off so tough that most people don’t know how important compliments and congratulations are to you. Your heart shines brightest when basking in the admiration of others, so let them know it’s meaningful to you. 

Aquarius: Technology

Your zodiac sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation, science, and technology, so it makes sense that the latest gadgets excite you, quirky Aquarius. Learning about the features of the newest iPhone model or watching a video on how factory machinery works fascinates you. It opens your mind to the possibilities of the future and how technology could help make the world a better place for everyone. Your spirit shines when you explore new technology, so save up for the latest gadget and allow your imagination to run wild.

Pisces: Spiritual Connection

Every star sign benefits from spiritual connection, but none crave it as deeply as you, sweet Pisces. As the final sign of the zodiac, you always have one foot in the earthly realm and the other in the spiritual world. How you connect to your spirituality depends on your unique soul; whether it’s attending church, spending time in nature, or reading tarot cards, make an effort to regularly maintain your spiritual practice. The more you get in touch with your spirituality, the more connected you will feel with yourself and the world around you. Your soul ignites the fire within when you attend to your spiritual needs.