Leticia Curvelo

What You Can Expect This Scorpio Season, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot

Ruled by both Mars and Pluto, Scorpio season is a time of intense emotion. It can also leave people feeling extremely introspective. It’s a month of transformation and renewal. It helps remind us how many of us have deep waters of emotion welling within us. 

Our Tarot reader pulled two cards for each zodiac sign: one representing opportunities, and one representing challenges or obstacles. 


Opportunity: Three of Wands

It’s time to think big! Allow yourself to dream big enough to inspire your hopes for months to come. Now’s a great time to take a longer, more considered view on things before determining what course to set going forward. 

Challenge: King of Pentacles

Your mind will be caught up in the practical and material matters of the situation as you try to think big and it’s going to remove a lot of your focus from what should be brainstorming. Don’t allow pragmatism to become so central it becomes a limiting belief in the ‘dream big’ stages – you might miss something.


Opportunity: Temperance

You’re being given time to process a lot of what has been happening recently. You’ll be able to bring ideas and inspirations together. It’s an important time for you to take a step back and integrate your experiences into your spiritual understanding of the world.  

Challenge: Seven of Cups

The world is full of things that can distract you. Daily we face an overwhelming amount of choices, and when you’re being faced with a lot of internal work, it can be easier to daydream than to stay focused. You can acknowledge that the world is full of possibilities without totally drowning in them. 


Opportunity: High Priestess, Reversed

Follow your instincts. Your intuition is leading you to a big truth. As you process it, don’t feel pressured to share it. Some ideas are best met with solitude and an open heart. Sometimes moments are meant just for you. 

Challenge: Ace of Wands

Focusing on things, especially creative endeavors, will prove to be a challenge. This lack of focus might ultimately create an inability to fully capitalize on new opportunities. Keep your creative potential focused, and remember to center your inspiration to keep your passion and drive going.  Check in with yourself often to give yourself perspective. 


Opportunity: Three of Swords Reversed

Your heart is tender from healing. You are getting the opportunity to move beyond the hurt and into healing. Make sure you’re a positive influence within your headspace as you move forward. 

Challenge: Five of Pentacles

You feel really challenged when it comes to the pragmatic side of life right now – and the lack of material and financial resources is threatening to shorten your horizons. You’re feeling alienated and have a lot of anxiety over the future that you’re going to have to work through. Give yourself grace as you work through this difficult time, and remember that sometimes help is right in front of us.


Opportunity: Six of Swords (Reversed)

You’ve been trying to make some definitive moves forward but have been feeling very stuck and delayed. Instead of getting caught up in the delay, you have a great opportunity to use this pause to your advantage.  Move forward when you can, and gather information when you can’t.

Challenge: Nine of Swords

In addition to delays, you can’t stop your mind from repeating, on loop, all the bad things that could happen. You find it hard to sleep, and the more tired you are, the more dreadful things feel.. Anxiety is a healthy reaction to uncertainty, but don’t let your fears rule you.


Opportunity: Two of Wands

You have an opportunity to make a brand new plan for something big. There is a lot of potential in your current situation but there are also a lot of decisions to make. Don’t allow your feelings of restless anticipation to get in the way of creating a realistic plan.

Challenge: Seven of Pentacles

Some of the most important progress is the slow and steady sort, and you’re feeling far too much anxiety and pressure to just want to wait.  Use this time to take a breath and reassess where you are and remind yourself of where you’d like to be.


Opportunity: Ace of Wands

You have creative energy in abundance, and you’ll encounter a lot of opportunities to get involved in a lot of projects that make you feel passionate and inspired. There’s a lot of primal energy coming your way. Use your enthusiasm to guide you.

Challenge: Five of Pentacles

You’re having a lot of challenges and facing some obstacles materially – this could mean financially or physical challenges. You’re going through something, and that’s going to make it harder to see some opportunities for help. You feel like you’re on the outside looking in. It’s hard to dream of what to do with that Ace of Wands energy when you’re feeling constrained and ostracized. 


Opportunity: Ten of Wands

Bit by bit you took on more and more to carry as you continued towards your goal. You’re so very close to the finish line now, though! You’re being given the opportunity to eliminate the unnecessary so you can finish what you’ve started as strongly as possible. Don’t lose sight of your initial inspiration in this shuffle. 

Challenge: The Star

It can sometimes be difficult to hope. It’s not just lacking a source – but sometimes hope can feel uncomfortable, scary even.  It could be due to lack of self-belief, or a fear of rejection. But don’t let prior situations jade you, and make it so you can’t experience future magic. 


Opportunity: Four of Wands

You’ve created a moment with a lot of prosperity. You’ve recently had a big enough success that it was worth celebrating and enjoying it with others. Let yourself enjoy this moment, and engage in gratitude with those that mean the most to you.

Challenge: Five of Wands

There’s a lot of competition and in-fighting that you’re dealing with, and it’s making it hard to focus. Challenges can help us grow – consider how you can best use the competitive energy of those around you to create an environment of supportive inspiration instead of critical comparison.


Opportunity: Three of Wands

You have the opportunity to think and plan for something big.  There’s a lot of room and possibility for growth and progress. As you grow and develop towards stability, it’s a good time to set lofty goals – it will make unmanageable-seeming dreams become manageable plans. 

Challenge: The Emperor

The Emperor as a challenge emphasizes your need to bring focus and discipline – and to create a meaningful plan on how to move forward. Take the lead and create structure where it’s badly needed. Remember that the fact you’ve had so many extraordinary experiences in your life is to challenge you to become a leader in just this sort of situation.


Opportunity: Two of Wands, Reversed

You are being given the chance to pause and reflect before moving forward with the bold ferocity that you’re feeling. While you’re filled with fire and passion, you’re also at a crossroads and need to make some big decisions. Take as much time as you can to gather information.

Challenge: Nine of Wands

You’re going to need to gather a lot of willpower and just keep moving forward and to stay vigilant. Silence your self critic and beware of self fulfilling prophecies. It’s more important than ever that you are the star player on your own team. Call on your inner reserves. 


Opportunity: Seven of Pentacles, Reversed

You’re being given a respite – a time during which you can evaluate your progress. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture of what you’ve been doing. You’ve been putting in a lot of work, but now you’ll need to be guided by patience. Allow yourself to trust your process.

Challenge: Page of Swords

There’s a lot in the world that you want to know about, and it’s hard to remain focused and patient when there are so many other things you could be engaging with! Try and keep your inquisitive and observant mind focused.