What You Should Release During This Week’s Full Moon, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: The Devil
What you need to release during May’s Full Moon are all the things that make you feel powerless and destructive desires that keep you from taking control of your own life. The Devil is a call to break free from these chains. Are there things that keep you from taking a more proactive role in your own story? What keeps you from feeling your best? Do you have dependencies or co-dependencies that hinder your growth? Have you outgrown certain relationships, workplaces, or behaviors? Any toxic coping mechanisms? Release the limitations that keep you feeling confined.
Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed
The reversal of the Nine of Wands indicates that you’re having some trouble persevering through certain challenges. It’s starting to drain and overwhelm you, and you’re struggling believing in yourself and maintaining your resilience. Use this Full Moon to let go of your self-doubt and your lack of faith. You should also release your fears and anxieties, so that you may reach new heights and push yourself into taking bold risks. It may feel endless right now, but don’t lose hope. Take a look at how far you’ve come and remind yourself that there is no setback or obstacle you can’t overcome.
Your Card: The Hermit, reversed
You need to cut back on the loneliness you’ve recently created for yourself. It’s perfectly natural to need solitude for introspection, but you’ve taken it a bit far, withdrawing from loved ones and from all the activities that once brought you joy. This Full Moon, let go of reclusiveness. Stop hiding and get back out there. Make a real attempt at socializing and reconnecting with others. You’ve taken self-reflection to an unhealthy extreme, and have forgotten what it means to actually live. Vow to create new experiences—this means trying, and yes, even making mistakes. Just leave your room!
Your Card: Three of Pentacles
You need to release the need to do it all alone, especially when it comes to your professional life. Sometimes the best results arise from teamwork and collaboration. There is something to be said about working together to achieve a common goal. Look at it as combining your strengths. The Three of Pentacles can also represent apprenticeship. Consider taking on a mentor in your field so you can take what you learn and apply it towards your work or craftsmanship. When we collaborate and learn from others, we deepen our understanding. There is more growth that way.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed
This Full Moon you should let go of procrastination, distractions, and self-defeating thoughts and habits that prevent you from accomplishing your goals. Renew your commitment to your dreams and desires. It’s time to start placing consistent effort into building something meaningful in your life. You deserve that fulfillment, Leo. Your lack of focus can be remedied. Get rid of the outside influences and internal fears that keep you from deepening your craft. Let the minimal effort, the doubt, the insecurity be things of the past.
Your Card: Three of Wands, reversed
The Three of Wands is encouraging you to embrace change and growth in your personal journey. It also calls you to step it up when it comes to your aspirations. You need to let go of the distractions and confinements that hinder your progress. This means leaving behind self-doubt, self-defeating thoughts and patterns, and complacent. Challenge yourself, Virgo. Move with confidence and optimism. Reframe obstacles and roadblocks as having had a hand in shaping your strength and fortitude. Move outside of your comfort zone by releasing everything that restricts you.
Your Card: Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords indicates that you’re feeling confined in some ways, and perhaps even spiraling out of control. You’ve somewhat given up, Libra. Take advantage of this Full Moon to leave behind that pit of despair you find yourself in. Let go of your misery and pick yourself back up. The biggest limits are those you’ve built for yourself. Tear them down. It all starts with asking yourself how you found yourself in the place you are now and how you’re going to escape it. You hold all the power when it comes to changing your circumstances.
Your Card: The Tower
The Tower signifies that you’re going to undergo deep transformative change with this Full Moon. You might experience sudden upheaval or chaos, but the situation was always inevitable. You’re going to have to let go of the old, in order to welcome the new. Don’t resist, Scorpio. This period is going to drive you to a more empowered version of yourself and bring you closer to a life more aligned with your desires and values. Release relationships, habits, thoughts, patterns, and goals that no longer serve you or fulfill you. Trust in the process, Scorpio. The Universe is always conspiring for your highest good.
Your Card: The Sun
Sag, what’s stopping you from being your best self and living your best life? Think about—really think about it. What blocks your happiness? What or who kills your confidence? What is it that keeps you from expressing your truth? What robs you of your power? These are the things and people that you need to leave behind this Full Moon. The Sun beckons you to live your most exuberant and authentic life. Let go of anything and anyone that causes you to dim your light.
Your Card: The Moon
There’s a truth you’ve been avoiding, Capricorn. During this Full Moon, you’re going to have to let go of your refusal to confront it. It could be something as simple as a reality someone is omitting from you, or it could be an illusion you’ve created in your mind. Explore the depths of your subconscious and seek clarity. It can feel uncomfortable, but being lost and anxious is even more terrifying. Face whatever it is so that you can forge ahead and make the decisions you’ve been holding off on taking.
Your Card: Two of Swords
Let go of overthinking on this Full Moon. You’re in denial or at a standstill right now. Making a choice is proving to be quite difficult, but it’s only because you’re overanalyzing and getting into your own head. The fear of making the wrong move has you stuck in a place of inaction. Doing nothing hurts you more than taking a route that may or may not prove to be unsuccessful. There will be no progress until you choose to move past this stalemate confidently and courageously.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
Let go of what doesn’t serve your life any longer in order to make room for new growth. If you want to see progress and results, then you’re going to have to de-clutter your life. Not all things meant to last forever, Pisces. Relationships, workplaces, priorities, goals, passions, hobbies—these all ebb and flow. What do you need to release? Where do you need to change course? What in your life doesn’t feel like it’s working out for you anymore? Don’t bury down the feeling. Clear it out so you may find what will fulfill you.