When Each Zodiac Will Make The First Move (In One Sentence)
Jainam Sheth

When Each Zodiac Will Make The First Move (In One Sentence)


You’ll make the first move whenever you develop a new crush without even planning the words out because you are impulsive and chase after what you want without hesitation.  


You’ll make the first move when you’re one thousand percent sure that the other person has feelings for you too and know they want you as well.


You’ll make the first move whenever you spot someone attractive because you’re fearless and never want to waste an opportunity.


You’ll make the first move when — and only when — you realize that the other person isn’t going to ask you out and the only way you’ll end up in a relationship is if you take initiative yourself.


You’ll make the first move when you’ve spent forever dropping subtle hints you’re interested and the other person still isn’t picking up on them.


You’ll make the first move when you feel like the timing is right and not a moment sooner because you want everything to go perfectly.


You’ll make the first move when you realize your connection with this person is special and deserves to be explored further or you would always regret it.


You’ll make the first move when you’re drunk and have lost control of your filter.


You’ll make the first move whenever you have a gap in your busy schedule and are able to dedicate enough time to pursuing this person.


You’ll make the first move after you’ve spent weeks, or even months, getting to know each other and are positive that this person is a positive influence in your world.


You’ll make the first move when you can’t stop thinking about this person and need to get to know them better or you feel like you’re going to explode.


You’ll make the first move after you get a pep talk from your friends and encouragement that you might as well shoot your shot.