Taylor Swift

Which Taylor Swift Album You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Red (Taylor’s Version)

You are passionate as sin (iykyk), dear Aries. You’re incredibly bold and know what you want in love and life, even after all the heartbreak you’ve endured. And only a fire sign would release a 10-minute version of a song about an intense, twin-flame connection. Only you would be honest enough to say β€œI Bet You Think About Me.”



Taurus, you are incredibly grounded and sweet, and yet, you still have this affluent, mystical energy to you. This album, much like you, is heavily rooted in loving hard, feeling undervalued, holding grudges but trying to learn to let go, having incompatible desires, and finding closure.



You are vibrant, colorful, fun, and everything that this album is. Going from passionate bops like β€œOut Of The Woods” and β€œBad Blood” to ballads and bangers like β€œWildest Dreams” and β€œThis Love” is a very Gemini thing. You are known to jump around from person to person, conversation to conversation. You can be wild and fun, but also sweet and delicate, too.



Emotional intimacy is your thing, sweet Cancer, which is why you probably relate to this album on a level that others don’t. You feel the lines β€œI knew I’d curse you for the longest time,” β€œI swear I loved you ’til my dying day,” and β€œwanting was enough / for me, it was enough / to live for the hope of it all” so, so deep in your soul. It’s like she made this album for you.


Speak Now

There is a certain energy that emits from this album that is unlike any other… and that’s very similar to you, Leo. You’re classic, lovable, and often someone wants to be around (hello, when are we getting β€œSpeak Now (Taylor’s Version)”?!) You’ve got this powerful aura that leaves a long-lasting impression on people, much like β€œDear John” and β€œEnchanted.”


Red (Taylor’s Version)

You are the kind of person who notices small details about someone. You also remember intimate moments and tuck them away for safekeeping. You rarely talk about the emotions you harbor especially from those intimate moments, but when you do talk about them, it’s powerful. Virgo, you see and feel things that others don’t and it’s such a beautiful thing.



You look at life and love through rose-colored glasses. You romanticize the hell out of everything and every interaction you have with someone. I mean, β€œI like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings” β€” that’s you to a T. β€œAfterglow” is relatable too since you’re a people-pleaser who often avoids confrontation and just wants everything to be okay all the time…



You already know, Scorpio, that this is your album. You are meticulous, cunning, and often seeking dirty revenge for the ones who have hurt you. You are also quite sensual and flirty and probably sing β€œDress” and β€œGorgeous” at the top of your lungs when you’re alone, don’t you?


Fearless (Taylor’s Version)

If there’s one sign that is truly fearless, it’s you, Sagittarius. You are always ready and willing to dive into the unknown. You’ve been hurt in love one too many times, so while you still go into it with an optimistic mind, you’re also cautious. You jump then fall, but you’d do that again and again, even so.



Let’s be honest, no one relates to β€œA Place in this World” and β€œTied Together with a Smile” the way that you do, Capricorn. When it comes to love, you often blame yourself, for either falling too hard, being too much, or not seeing the red flags. You’ll never admit it, but you can be quite sensitive. You just want to love and be loved.



Aquarius, you are β€œweird but fucking beautiful.” You are the one to realize the truth after a breakup (β€œMaroon”), you are the one who can capture a room when you talk about your ideas and passions (β€œLabyrinth”). You are the type to stay up late, pacing the floor and (probably) ignoring your demons. You are everything that this album is.



You already know, Pisces, that this is your album. You are captivated by any mystical, beautiful, story-like love that you experience. You are incredibly emotional and sometimes have a childlike perception of things, especially when it comes to heartbreak.