Roberto Nickson

Why Each Zodiac Should Be Proud Of Their 2022


You should be proud that you tried. Even if you didn’t accomplish every goal on your list, you put in the effort. You never gave up on yourself, even when it felt like the odds were against you. That takes courage.


You should be proud that you set boundaries for yourself. You didn’t let anyone walk over you. You decided that you matter and that you aren’t going to settle for being disrespected.


You should be proud that you stuck to your beliefs. You didn’t compromise your morals. You stayed kind and trusting and honest, even when the world was pushing you to act more heartless.


You should be proud of yourself for making it through the year. There were some unbelievably hard moments in 2022, but you kept going. You survived, even when you felt like you were drowning.


You should be proud of yourself for resting. Even though it sounds counterproductive, giving yourself a break was the best thing you could possibly do. You knew when you needed to recharge and listened to your body.


You should be proud of yourself for expressing your emotions more. It’s hard to be vulnerable. It’s difficult to say what’s really on your mind. But you’ve been doing better and better with speaking from your heart.


You should be proud of yourself for spreading kindness. Even when you’re upset, you always try to make others happy. You are never needlessly cruel. You try to leave the world a better place than you found it.


You should be proud of yourself for staying positive. It isn’t always easy, and you aren’t always in the best mood, but you’ve done a great job of keeping hope alive. You still believe that good things are awaiting you — and that takes strength.


You should be proud of yourself for stepping outside of your comfort zone. You’ve done things this year that you never could have pictured a few years ago. Your past self would be impressed.


You should be proud of yourself for every tear you shed. It’s unhealthy to stuff your emotions down your chest. It’s good that you’re letting everything out. It might hurt now, but it will help you heal in the long run.


You should be proud of yourself for doing the right thing, even when it was hard. Even when it meant you were going to feel a little uncomfortable. Instead of taking the easy road, you always took the right road.


You should be proud of yourself for walking away from toxic situations. Saying goodbye to a bad friendship or relationship or career doesn’t mean you’re a quitter. It means you know what is best for yourself and won’t settle for less.