Why You Secretly Hate Yourself (In One Sentence) Based On Your Zodiac
Lizzy Honey

Why You Secretly Hate Yourself (In One Sentence) Based On Your Zodiac


You secretly hate yourself because you’ve been hurt in the past and can’t shake this feeling that you deserved it, even though that is far from the truth and you are deserving of kindness and love.


You secretly hate yourself because you are always replaying your worst moments and waiting for history to repeat itself instead of remembering the beautiful things you have accomplished and picturing the beautiful moments that are still to come.


You secretly hate yourself because you are confused about what you want and haven’t spent enough time with yourself yet and need to learn the intricacies of your own mind and body.


You secretly hate yourself because you’re internalizing the horrible things other people have said about you and are ignoring all of the wonderful compliments that you’ve been given by people who matter way more.


You secretly hate yourself because you haven’t forgiven yourself for the mistakes you’ve made in the past and the people you’ve hurt, even though you’ve since grown and changed.


You secretly hate yourself because you are pessimistic and only see your flaws when you look in the mirror instead of admiring all of the beautiful things about your body, mind, and soul.


You secretly hate yourself because you’re comparing yourself to others, even though you don’t know the full story of their lives and only see the version of them that they want you to see.


You secretly hate yourself because you feel like everyone else hates you and you never fit in, but there are people out there who feel exactly like you do, people who will love you in the future when your paths finally meet.


You secretly hate yourself because you haven’t grown into the type of person you’ve always dreamed of becoming yet, but the important thing is that you’re putting in the effort every single day.


You secretly hate yourself because you feel like you’re falling behind and aren’t meeting your own standards, but there’s no rush and even if you never achieve your dreams, your productivity has nothing to do with your worth. 


You secretly hate yourself because you’re holding yourself to an impossible standard and aren’t celebrating the baby steps and small wins that you keep accomplishing time and time again.


You secretly hate yourself because you are constantly trying to impress others, but you need to start focusing on what brings you internal happiness, not what brings you external praise.