‘You Won’t Fall In Love Until…’ Based On Your Zodiac
Candice Picard

‘You Won’t Fall In Love Until…’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign


You won’t fall in love until you find someone who brings out the best in you instead of the worst.


You won’t fall in love until you feel completely comfortable opening up to the other person and showing them your most authentic self.


You won’t fall in love until you find someone who excites you on an emotional and physical level instead of only checking one of your boxes.


You won’t fall in love until you feel like you can trust this person one thousand percent and they would never break your heart.


You won’t fall in love until you fully heal from your past heartbreak and officially move on from your exes.


You won’t fall in love until you’re positive your visions of the future are compatible and there’s a real chance you’ll stay together forever.


You won’t fall in love until you feel like the other person’s energy matches your own, and their feelings are as strong as your own.


You won’t fall in love until you’re able to be vulnerable with them and let your guard down about the big stuff.


You won’t fall in love until you can vividly picture a future with this person and can’t imagine being without them.


You won’t fall in love until you start having serious conversations with each other and discussing more than surface level topics like hobbies and movies.


You won’t fall in love until you have a serious conversation about what the relationship means, what their intentions are, and where they see this going.


You won’t fall in love until you see them interact with your favorite people and know that everyone is getting along.