Your Horoscope For May 6 - 13 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
Thought Catalog Agency

Your Horoscope For May 6 – 13 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)


This week, stop fighting so hard for attention. If someone is worthy of your love, they are going to rise to your standards and see your worth from the start. If you have to convince them why you’re worth loving, then maybe they aren’t deserving of you.


This week, stop isolating yourself because you assume others want nothing to do with you. You don’t want your insecurities to convince you to close yourself off and end up hurting people by being too distant. People want you around whether you believe it or not.


This week, stop beating yourself up over your mistakes, your awkward moments, your embarrassing conversations. No one else is focusing on these errors as much as you are. Most people probably didn’t even notice. You’re the only one who still cares, so give yourself a break.


This week, stop feeling guilty over prioritizing yourself. You don’t exist to please others. There’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first, with making decisions that are best for you in the long-run.


This week, stop spilling your heart out to people who clearly couldn’t care less about your feelings. You’re entitled to your emotions — but you’re better off sharing them with people who will treat you gently. People who actually want to see you happy.


This week, stop taking everyone at their word. Stop automatically assuming they mean what they say. Pay more attention to their actions because anyone can say the right thing. What matters is whether they follow through on their promises and do what they claim they’ll do.


This week, stop assuming everyone has the same heart as you. Some people are going to hurt you again and again if you keep letting them. You need to walk away, even though they have the potential to change. Their potential doesn’t matter. Their actions do.


This week, stop thinking ten steps ahead. Yes, it’s important to have a general plan for your future, but you don’t need to overthink every little thing. Unpredictable moments can and will happen, so your plans will never go exactly the way you hoped anyway.


This week, stop competing for love. The right person won’t pit you against someone else. They won’t make you fight for their heart. You deserve someone who wants you and only you. Someone who never makes you feel like you’re in a competition.


This week, stop working when you’re meant to be resting. Don’t do extra and burn yourself out. At the end of the day, accept that you’ve done enough and deserve to rest. Not every spare moment needs to be occupied with work.


This week, stop waiting for the right moment to make your move. The timing is never going to feel one thousand percent right. You’ll always have an excuse to keep waiting if you let yourself. So don’t let yourself.


This week, stop pretending to be happy with the bare minimum. If someone is hurting your feelings, or simply isn’t putting in enough effort, discuss this with them. You’re allowed to bring up your complaints. You’re allowed to ask for more.