Your Horoscope For The Week of December 1-December 7, 2024
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This lively week gets off to an exciting start on Sunday, when the New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius squares forbidding Saturn in Pisces at 1:22 am. Making a fresh start may be challenging in the face of so many social responsibilities. It becomes much easier to do what we want on Monday at 9:43 am, when decadent Venus trines independent Uranus.
Important details keep derailing us on Wednesday, due to a Mercury-Jupiter opposition at 5:16 am. The situation becomes even tougher at 11:18 am, due to a square between the willful Sun and strict Saturn. It’s probably best to table important decisions until Thursday, when a conjunction between the confident Sun and logical Mercury at 9:18 pm.
Hidden resentments come the surface Friday, due to Mars going retrograde at 6:33 pm. At 8:53 pm the same day, a square between Mercury and Saturn convinces everybody that arguing is pointless; nobody is going to budge on this frustrating day.
Big changes are slated for Saturday, once alluring Venus moves into rebellious Aquarius at 1:13 am. Instead of trying to win public approval, people will do what they want. This quest for individual freedom becomes even stronger at 9:08 pm, due to the Venus-Pluto conjunction. Arguments over religion and politics will be more frenzied than ever at 3:58 pm, when the Sun opposes Jupiter. Fortunately, it becomes a lot easier to escape the fray when dreamy Neptune goes direct at 6:43 pm.
Although you yearn to explore greener pastures, you’re being asked to delay plans for the sake of family. You won’t react well to this pressure. As far as you’re concerned, you’ve made enough sacrifices for the group and you’re ready to do as you please. Fortunately, your friends are eager to support your dreams. Accept a loved one’s generous offer to stay with them for an extended period. This break will be healing.
Being true to yourself will allow you to change and grow in exciting ways. The change to study with a respected teacher or visit a spiritually uplifting place will fall in your lap quite suddenly. Don’t waste time deliberating over this opportunity; just grab it. Angry responses to your plan will speak volumes about who you can trust. A life-changing career opportunity is on the way. Getting paid to do what you love will give you a new lease on life.
It may be impossible to maintain a demanding career with a new romance. It’s up to you to choose what is more important. Take the path that affords you the most personal growth. A job that lets you travel the world may be what feeds your soul. Alternatively, a relationship with someone who feels like your soulmate could be your priority. Be honest with yourself. This decision could shock your social circle. Don’t feel pressured to break your own heart for the wake of public approval.
A job offer may not be worth your time and effort. You’re looking for work that draws on your expertise. A low-level opportunity will drain the energy you need to find a genuinely good career. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner is poised to help you to a happier place. Let them introduce to ways of working smarter, not harder. You will feel tempted to beat yourself up for walking away from an argument. Don’t bother; there was nothing to be gained from this conflict.
A fun flirtation looks promising now but may not grow into anything serious. Happily, work provides a more rewarding outlet for your creative desires. There’s a chance you’ll be chosen for a plum assignment that pays well. Alternatively, a high-profile client will sing your praises, attracting lots of glamorous projects. A profitable business partnership could be in the cards. If you already have a romantic partner, their career success will allow you to take a prolonged break from work.
A business associate or romantic partner feels threatened by your desire for more freedom. It’s time to make a serious decision about this relationship. Fortunately, it won’t be too difficult for you to make a choice that makes you happy. Dedicating your life to a creative practice or artistic lifestyle will be a lot more rewarding than staying in a lackluster relationship. Some friends will be angered by your decision to strike out on your own. Trying to please them will be an exercise in futility.
Despite all the drama swirling around you, this will be one of your favorite weeks of the year. Moving to a beautiful new abode or getting citizenship will make your heart soar with happiness. This change will allow you to transition out of a career path that has proven traumatic. Give yourself a pat on the back for choosing your own health over social acceptance. Creative inspiration will come fast and furious. Prepare to do some of the most impressive artwork of your life.
What seems like a golden opportunity isn’t worth pursuing. You’re not willing to sacrifice your personal life for a demanding job. Pour your energy into a stimulating friendship or romance that brightens your outlook. Your happiness will then attract ways to make money that don’t steal your soul. If you’ve been longing to live abroad, you could even get a job in the land of your dreams. The key to manifesting this wish is to act as though you already have what you desire.
Family is doing everything in its power to stop your personal growth. You’ll have to make some scary decisions. Taking a lucrative job that brings you joy will put some distance between you and meddlesome relatives. You’ll find this work allows you to thrive, rather than merely survive. If a health problem flares up, be willing to explore nontraditional therapies that have worked for a trusted friend.
You’re extremely attractive, especially to highly artistic types. If you already have a romantic partner, think about forming a creative partnership with someone whose work you admire. Are you single? Make an impulsive move toward someone who makes your pulse pound. You can forge a very happy life together. Although you fear the disapproval of your relatives and neighbors, you’ll summon the courage to live according to your own needs. Be reassured that your brave choice will result in greater prosperity.
Having an unconventional home life makes the most sense for you. Let onlookers whisper and point; you’d rather be happy than popular. The chance to move to a secluded beauty spot will fill you with excitement. Don’t worry if you get turned down for a home loan application or refinancing deal. You’ll soon get an opportunity to generate your own wealth. Being able to live well on your own talent will be a sweet victory indeed.
As far as work is concerned, it feels like you’re wandering around in the dark. Broken promises have forced you to venture out on your own. Turn to your nearest and dearest for comfort. Your friends will bolster your confidence to the point that you can make a spiritually satisfying decision. Changing career paths, starting your own business, or taking a prolonged break from work are among the possibilities. Your intuition will kick in when you need it most; trust it.