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Your Horoscope For The Week of October 27-November 2, 2024

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On Monday, outgoing Mars forms a trine to idealistic Neptune at 8:31 am, favoring bold creative projects and major philanthropic drives. On the same day, vain Venus squares inhibited Saturn on 9:35, making people self-conscious and shy about romantic matters. 

An opposition between indecisive Mercury and unpredictable Uranus at 6:15 pm on Wednesday makes everyone susceptible to hasty decisions; it’s not a good time to buy expensive items or make business deals. Flirtatious Mercury’s trine to dreamy Neptune on Thursday at 8:33 pm paves the way for an exciting romantic encounter.

The Scorpio New Moon rises at 8:47 am on Friday, giving way to an honest emotional exchange. Saturday will be mentally stimulating, thanks to a trine between Mercury and Mars at 4:21 am, inviting everyone to put ideas into motion. Later, at 11:03 am, Mercury makes a sextile to focused Pluto, making it a great time to bring projects to completion. Mercury moves into adventurous Sagittarius at 3:18 pm, prompting people to plan trips, take risks, and expand their intellectual horizons.


A home improvement project is a great outlet for your creativity. You can achieve beautiful effects with very little money, thanks for your talent for innovation. An unexpected financial shortfall is no reason to panic; you’ll find additional resources toward the end of the week. If you get a chance to take a flat salary or earn a commission, pick the latter. A passionate conversation makes you feel deeply connected to someone who isn’t afraid to discuss taboo subjects.


You’re ready to revise your relationship goals. Instead of looking for a partner who will impress your family, follow your heart. A Freudian slip lets you know you have unresolved anger toward someone you love. It’s time to get your feelings out in the open. Friday is ideal for signing a long-term contract or making a serious romantic commitment. This partnership will allow you to realize a cherished dream that you’ve had since childhood.


This week presents an excellent opportunity to tie up loose ends and resolve problems. Instead of multitasking, try focusing on one task at a time; you’ll make a lot more progress. Adopting a new health regimen will pay off handsomely. You may decide to follow this path for your entire life, since it makes you feel so good. Releasing an unconscious pattern will be harder than you think. Be patient but persistent. 


Don’t be afraid to assert yourself, especially when it comes to your area of expertise. Defying expectations will be lots of fun. Your devotion to a particular practice or study won’t pay off in the way you think. Never fear. Unexpected benefits will arrive this week. Big changes to your social circle are on the horizon. Instead of being covered by someone else’s shadow, you’ll have a chance to command attention. Be ready to become the object of an intense admirer’s affection.


A tense relationship with an authority figure prompts you to look for a more rewarding job. A career change lets you move to a place that lets you relax and be yourself will be incredibly therapeutic. If you’re not moving, think about redecorating your bedroom, closet, or bathroom. Being able to work in private helps you develop some exciting ideas that make lots of money. If you’ve ever wanted to start a home-based business, this is a great time to do so. 


You’ll be very busy all week, connecting with different people to ensure a project comes off to perfection. A reluctant relative will resist all your efforts to create a pleasant atmosphere. Instead of forcing them to attend a party, let them do their own thing. Someone from your past may try to reach out via social media. Obey your instincts and keep this person at arm’s length. When you feel frazzled, turn to your best friend or romantic partner. They’ll be happy to remind you that you’re fabulous.


Don’t be afraid to show off your ambition. If you see an opportunity to promote a business idea or ask for a job, seize it. Working in a creative industry will be emotionally and financially fulfilling. Turn a deaf ear to a judgmental friend who thinks your career plans are unrealistic. When you do land a position, have a set percentage of every check put into an interest-bearing savings account. Doing some research into your family history will turn up some interesting facts.


Your best friend, business associate, or romantic partner could pressure you to do something that rubs you the wrong way. The result will be an impassioned argument. Whether or not you want to make up afterward is up to you. The New Moon invites you to update your look in some way. Altering your look will cause others to see you with fresh eyes. Taking a class will make you feel years younger. Don’t be surprised if you become the star pupil. 


Trying to work conventional hours could have a negative impact on your health. It’s time to find a job that allows you to operate when you have lots of energy. If you can’t find employment, think about volunteering for an organization you admire. Soon, you could be offered a good job at this place. Be ready to let go of some possessions that have unhappy memories attached. It’s a lot easier to attract joy when you’re not weighed down with a bunch of stuff.


Helping to promote a friend’s creative talent will strengthen your bond. It gives you so much happiness to assist this artist to make a good living while sharing their vision for the world. Be aware that a pessimistic outlook can drive opportunity from your door. Keep reminding yourself that everything is always working in your favor, and it will. Make sure to go to a big gathering on Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and even find passionate love. 


A sudden change of plans gets on your nerves and may force you to cancel an important work meeting. Don’t let a financial setback upset you; this is just the Universe’s way of making fresh growth possible. The New Moon on Friday helps you land a prestigious job. You’ll love getting fame and acclaim for sharing your daring vision with people who appreciate it. At long last, you have a showcase for your hidden talents.


Your mysterious aura attracts lot of romantic attention. If you’re already in love, plan a magical outing with your partner. The more you feed this relationship, the stronger it will be. If you’re consumed by self-doubt, sit down and make a list of your proudest accomplishments, both personal and professional. Your confidence will soar the moment you put a pen to the page. Beware of blurting out a painful truth that people can’t handle. Adopting a diplomatic approach will pave the way for an exciting educational or travel opportunity.