Asdrubal Luna

Your Pisces Season Love Forecast, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: The Devil 

The Devil is a sign that you’ll be meeting someone this Pisces season who fuels your desire and lust. This person may even inspire feelings of obsession and passion, but don’t confuse what you feel for anything more profound. You’re going to experience an unmatched chemistry and physical connection with this person, but all it is is just fun. For the taken Aries, if you’re in a relationship that is codependent or toxic, it’s likely coming to its end during these four weeks. The Devil signifies liberation of some sort, whether that’s spending time with someone who makes you feel free or unchaining yourself from an unhealthy attachment. 


Your Card: Three of Wands

The committed Taurus is likely seeing their relationship progress into the next stage, whether that’s moving in together, getting engaged, or becoming more serious. You could be discussing plans for the future and steps to reaching these goals as a couple. There might be a trip involved with your significant other that strengthens your bond and commitment. Those entering new romances or commitments should know there’s great potential of building something lasting with that person. The single Taurus would benefit from exploring new places because they just might find the person they’ve always hoped to meet.  


Your Card: Six of Wands

Pisces season is going to be lucky and abundant for you, Gemini, especially if you’re single. The person of your dreams is making an entrance into your life. This is someone who has all the qualities you need in a partner in order to feel emotionally fulfilled. They’re someone who empowers you, inspires you, worships you, and challenges you. Geminis in a relationship will be reaching a milestone or achieving a goal with their partner. If you’ve been having issues and struggles as a couple, all trouble will be behind you. All the effort and time you’ve placed into making your partnership work is paying off. 


Your Card: The Hermit, reversed

The Hermit is emblematic of loneliness. You might feel an emotional distance between you and your partner during this time. One or both of you is drifting away and withdrawing, inspiring feelings of isolation in the other. At best this is due to a need of focusing on individual goals and gaining personal clarity. At worst, there’s a disconnect between you and your partner—one of you is checking out while the other one is left hanging on. Be careful that you’re not placing your partner’s needs above your own. Cancers who have been single for a long time, now is the time to seek love again—get over your fears and doubts and put yourself out there this Pisces season. You risk missing a deep connection. The Cancer who is newly flying solo will have a period of reflection and introspection this Pisces season. 


Your Card: Three of Pentacles, reversed

The reversal of the Three of Pentacles is a sign of an imbalance in your relationship. Someone may be putting in all the emotional, financial, or domestic labor. One partner could be completely disregarding and taking the other for granted. It could be this or another possible factor that’s causing friction in your partnership this Pisces season. Drawing this card can also indicate apathy and a lack of effort by one or both parties. Make sure your partner feels appreciated and seen, and if you don’t feel those things then voice it. Single Leos will find themselves yearning for romance and the nuances that come from being committed and in love. This card shows that you could be placing more effort into changing your relationship status. Use this Pisces season to go out more, plan more dates, or take a different approach—just try.


Your Card: Two of Swords 

The Two of Swords finds you at a crossroads in your love life during this Pisces season. You will face a circumstance in which you have to choose between your relationship and another priority in your life, like work or a friendship. Perhaps you’re going to be making a choice between two lovers. A situation may force you to finally take a decision that you’ve been avoiding regarding the future of your partnership. You may feel inspired to open up to someone, but fearful that it will end up hurting you in the end—take the risk and be vulnerable, Virgo. This card also represents a standstill—a temporary truce or stalemate between you and your partner, perhaps regarding an old argument or matter you can’t agree on. 


Your Card: Six of Cups, reversed

This Pisces season you’re getting high off nostalgia and romanticizing the past wearing rose-colored glasses. You’re letting old heartbreak or past romance keep you hostage from opening yourself up to love and meeting someone new. It’s in your best interest to give it a chance if romantic curiosity or opportunity should arise during these four weeks. Your ex might make an appearance in your life, whether it’s by direct contact or as a reminder, stay strong and remember that they’re not your future. Committed Libras might experience a period of restlessness or boredom in their relationships. It doesn’t mean the love no longer exists, just that you and your significant other need to find ways of being more affectionate and attentive with one another. Pisces season will see you explore ways of reconnecting and injecting the excitement back into your bond. 


Your Card: Death

Your love life is undergoing major transformations during Pisces season—and potentially so are you as an individual. Death is a sign of epic change. You or your partner may be relocating to a different city, forcing new dynamics on your relationship. One of you could be walking away from the other during this period, leaving behind something that is no longer working. Perhaps you’re making big changes or releasing unhealthy patterns as a couple that will strengthen your bond and commitment to one another, ushering in a new era of closeness. Single Scorpios are shedding toxic habits, self-limiting beliefs, and attachments that are keeping them from fully enjoying romance or finding something real. These changes will be attracting a lasting love into your life. 


Your Card: The Lovers, reversed

The Sagittarius that’s committed is going to experience a lack of harmony in their relationship. The possibilities of what’s causing this disunity or imbalance are endless: a coldness, emotional distance, an issue that needs resolving, a disconnect, mistrust, miscommunication. Whatever the obstacle, you’re going to feel an entire universe between you and your significant other. Either you work through it or you realize that the two of you are no longer in alignment. Solo Sags are going to become involved with someone or progress to a point with a suitor that makes them think they could have more with this person. You must proceed with caution and be honest about your fears and desires, you may be starting something for the wrong reasons. There’s also a chance that you will have not one, but many admirers this Pisces season. The actual problem could be that you’re overwhelmed by the possibilities. 


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

Pisces season is bringing immense change to your relationship. It isn’t necessarily a turn for the worse, but it’s not guaranteed to be a turn for the better, either. This next phase is just a necessary one. You could be going through a natural stage where there’s a loss of excitement in your relationship. You could be experiencing a progression of things—moving in together, buying a house, getting engaged, etc. You and your partner could be making an effort to spice things up. You could experience an upheaval. Whatever change the Wheel of Fortune is pointing towards in your relationship will serve to either help you and your partner become closer, or bring forth the demise of your partnership. If you’re single, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that you’re meeting your soulmate during this time. Take every chance you get to put yourself out there, you never know where you may encounter them. 


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles, reversed

The reversal of the Nine of Pentacles represents strains or codependency in your relationship. Any communication regarding emotional or financial imbalances should be brought up during Pisces season. Ignoring them could bring forth feelings of resentment, insecurity, or lack of autonomy. Drawing this card could also be a sign of losing one’s identity in a relationship. If this is the case, these few weeks are going to force you to confront all the ways you’ve molded yourself to fit your partner’s ideal—all the parts of yourself you’ve silenced, killed, sacrificed, or made small. Solo Aquarians would benefit from remembering to stand their ground and refusing to lower their standards. It would also be wise for you to be able to differentiate between the beginning of a fairy tale and love bombing. Remember when it feels too good to be true, it most likely is. 


Your Card: Three of Swords, reversed

The reversal of the Three of Swords is a sign of forgiveness and resolution in your relationship. You’re both moving on from pain, grudges, resentments, and past wounds. The two of you are feeling excitement and a renewed sense of hope for the future—a future that may or may not involve each other. Settling your conflicts may have come naturally from working through things, it may have been a choice you made out of a desire to stay in and rebuild your relationship, or it may have involved the end of things. Whatever the case, expect healing in your love life. This card is also showing a possible reconciliation with an ex or former lover—take your time, reflect on your desires, and proceed with caution.