Your Weekly Horoscope For February 25 - March 4
Thought Catalog Agency

Your Weekly Horoscope For February 25 – March 4


This week, remember there’s more than one way to do something. Just because a certain method works for the people around you doesn’t mean you have to do exactly as they do. You can make your own rules, carve your own path. Do what feels right for you, not what worked for anyone else.


This week, distance yourself from people who have been bringing you down and making you feel insecure. You don’t need to waste your time with negative influences. You owe them nothing. It’s much better to seek out people who inspire you and encourage you, who bring out your best, not your worst.


This week, forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made. Make peace with your past so that you can finally let go of it and focus on your present and your future. Hating yourself isn’t going to help you. Be more gentle with the person you see in the mirror because they deserve your love.


This week, love yourself enough to release the things (and the people) who aren’t bringing you joy. Remember, you are deserving of love and kindness, appreciation and respect. You don’t have to remain in situations where you feel unwelcome. You can find a new space where you fit better.


This week, get the undesirable tasks out of the way first. Stop procrastinating because the sooner you get them over with, the more relaxed you’ll feel. This way, you won’t spend all day dreading a certain chore. It will be in your rearview so you will be able to enjoy the rest of your time.


This week, believe in your own power. Trust yourself. Challenge yourself. Instead of letting doubts consume you and trick you into giving up early, take a real chance on yourself. Reach for your biggest, wildest goals. You could get further than you expect. And if you keep trying, who knows what you could achieve.


This week, try your hardest to keep your promises. Show up on time. Prove that you are dependable, especially to the people you love the most. It’s all too easy to lose someone’s trust, so don’t make promises you cannot keep. Tell the truth and only take on as much as you can handle.


This week, listen to what your heart is telling you, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. This doesn’t mean you should randomly follow what your heart wants — but you should take it into consideration. Allow your real feelings in instead of pushing them away. Examine what they mean and what they are telling you.


This week, focus on the task in front of you. Break your goals into small, bitesize pieces in order to avoid overwhelming yourself. Don’t panic about everything that you have to do because you can’t do it all at once. Worry about what you’re doing right this second. Worry about the next thing when it’s time to move onto the next thing.


This week, remember the power of vulnerability. The more open and honest you are with the people you love, the deeper your connection will grow. It’s natural to have trouble trusting, but trusting the right people is worth the risk. You can’t keep yourself closed off forever.


This week, verbally express your appreciation. Make sure that your family and friends, your bosses and teachers, understand how much of an impact they’ve had on you. Spread kindness because one small comment you make could brighten the other person’s whole week.


This week, remember that not everything is about you. Others might be in a bad mood because of personal reasons you would never guess. Don’t make assumptions about how annoyed they are with you or how they are purposely ignoring you. It might not have anything to do with you at all.