Your Weekly Horoscope For May 13-20 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
Thought Catalog Agency

Your Weekly Horoscope For May 13-20 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)


This week, create a stricter divide between your professional life and your personal life. Don’t let your work bleed into your free time. When your nine to five is over, put the work away. Don’t answer emails. Don’t make exceptions. Give yourself time to really unwind.


This week, avoid relying too much on others. Although it’s important to ask for help when you need it, you need to learn self-sufficiency too. You need to be able to take care of yourself. Next time you need someone to help you out, see if they can teach you how to do something instead of simply doing it for you.


This week, avoid making snap judgements. Don’t automatically assume your first impression is the right one. People can surprise you. This doesn’t mean you should give them a million chances they don’t deserve — but keep your mind and heart open.


This week, avoid being too rigid with your schedule. Although it’s important to develop consistent habits and routines, you can’t be afraid to veer away from them when they aren’t working out or when something else comes up that needs your attention. Try to be more flexible with your time.


This week, avoid stubbornly sticking to your opinion. Listen to what others have to say. Value their thoughts. Actually take them into consideration. You could learn something. Even if you decide to stick with what you originally thought in the end, at least you tried to be fair. At least you kept an open mind.


This week, avoid doing favors for people who have never lifted a finger for you. Although your kindness is respectable, you need to show yourself respect too. If someone only takes and takes, you don’t need to give them anything more. You don’t need to inconvenience yourself in order to please them when they clearly couldn’t care less about you.


This week, avoid making last second decisions. Try not to procrastinate, especially when it comes to the important stuff, because you don’t want to end up feeling rushed and making the wrong choice. Give yourself enough time to think through your decisions. Start now. You’ll thank yourself later. 


This week, avoid shrinking yourself. Your needs matter. And your thoughts matter. Don’t convince yourself to keep quiet when you want to speak up. You’re allowed to ask for what you want. You’re allowed to make your presence known. No one is going to give you what you want unless you make it clear what you want.


This week, avoid tearing yourself apart. No, you won’t always get it right. Yes, there will be times when you’re disappointed with yourself or frustrated with yourself. But that doesn’t give you the right to treat yourself terribly. You deserve love and compassion, forgiveness and acceptance, especially from yourself.


This week, avoid screaming matches with people who aren’t hearing you out anyway. Sometimes, the best move is to walk away. Sometimes, you should save yourself the trouble and remove yourself from the situation so you don’t end up getting yourself worked up over someone who isn’t worth your energy.


This week, avoid committing to anything you’re uncertain about. Avoid making promises you’re bound to break. It’s okay to admit you’re unsure about what you want. In fact, it’s better to be honest than to tell others what you think they want to hear, only to disappoint them in the end. 


This week, avoid overextending yourself. You don’t want to take on too much at once or you’re going to be stressed all week. Limit what you say yes to because you don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to fill every second of yours schedule. Leave time for relaxing too.