Zodiac Signs Ranked From Least Likely To Commit To Forever Lovers
Sagittarius is the most apprehensive sign to commit to a relationship. They’re explorers at heart who live for the thrill of it all. Their adventurous spirit and infinite thirst for knowledge drive them to constantly seek new experiences. Sag fears a relationship will hold them back. They need time to discover the world—and themselves—first. Not only is Sag in absolutely no rush to commit to anyone, but this sign also lacks compromise and self-restraint. They may come to believe they want a relationship, but don’t usually feel that way for long, nor do they stick around long enough to settle down.
Like Sagittarius, Aquarius deeply values their freedom. This is a sign who hates living by convention and abiding by a set of rules. For many Aquarians, a committed and monogamous relationship is their worst nightmare. Aquarius is happy living single and being in their own company. They struggle with committing to just one person because they begin to feel bored and restricted. This sign also has a hard time being vulnerable enough to open themselves up to someone. They fear emotional openness, feeling exposed, and risking heartache. If you’re in a situationship with an Aquarius, know that they rarely commit, and when they do they take their sweet time. You’re in for a confusing wild ride with this indecisive and unreliable zodiac.
Gemini changes their mind, mood, and attitude way too often to stick around long enough to commit themselves. They don’t easily jump into a relationship. Rather, they prefer flirtation, dating around, and having casual flings. This extroverted social butterfly has a highly active mind and needs constant stimulation. Being still causes them to become easily restless and bored. They quickly lose interest in just one person. This sign loves to run free and seeks constant adventure and new experiences. Gemini wants to explore the world. Even when in a relationship, they tend to fantasize about other people and are always afraid that they committed to the wrong person—they wonder if someone else out there could be better for them.
Even when they want to, Leo has a hard time committing themselves to a relationship. This sign is passionate—but independent, ambitious, and self-indulgent. They’re not only afraid that love will distract them from their goals and career, but they don’t want to lose their outgoing lifestyle. Often, a relationship isn’t worth the risk of them sacrificing what’s most important to them— their freedom, the spotlight, and their pursuits. Their desires can change daily—you grab their attention one day, but they can easily forget about you the next. Leo loves the novelty, excitement, and drama that comes with each new fling. This isn’t to say that they don’t know how to be in a committed relationship, it’s just that they take forever to find their soulmate. Often this person is someone who will let them call all the shots in the relationship—Leo must remain in control.
Aries aren’t exactly afraid of commitment, they’re just difficult to pin down. This sign is full of energy and ambition. They take every opportunity that falls into their lap and live an adventurous, spontaneous lifestyle. Sometimes Aries just doesn’t have the time for love. Because of their impulsivity, this sign also tends to fall in love hard and fast, only to fall out of love just as quickly. Aries prefers the chase and feels more comfortable knowing that they have a way out. They have a tough time taking on the dedication and responsibility that a relationship requires. When mature, they’re prepared for closeness and commitment, but that would require someone to meet their many expectations. This sign will expect complete loyalty but is prone to cheating.
Libra, the sign of partnership, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love—they don’t know how to stay single. For them, relationships are just a natural state of being. Libra commits quickly. However, this sign doesn’t necessarily commit with their heart and soul. They’re in love with the idea of being in love. Libra romanticizes relationships. Though they may be all too willing to commit, their indecisiveness can cause them to change their minds just as fast. Libra can reach an absolute level of certainty after a long time of being with someone, or after utterly falling like never before. It takes a strong emotional bond—and one that brings balance, harmony, and peace into their lives. They’re affectionate and loyal lovers when this happens. Until then, good luck with this player.
Taurus has a great capacity for commitment…but they are notorious for playing the field. While they crave security above all else, this sign is hesitant to settle down with anyone. Taurus has worked very hard to build that security, as well as their comfortable surroundings. They fear becoming attached to the wrong person—someone who won’t appreciate that life, or rip away the peace they’ve always known. They’re not quick about anything, including their willingness to enter a serious relationship. This sign is thoughtful, calm, cautious, and practical—they’ll weigh the pros and cons when choosing a partner. For them, a romantic partnership is a merger. Until they meet someone that brings them more abundance, pleasure, and stability, they’ll jump from fling to fling (and break many hearts).
Virgo is completely capable of committing, they’re just extremely selective when choosing a partner because they hold themselves to the highest of standards. This sign won’t find a suitable match right away. They’re the most analytical and observant sign and take in every detail about potential mates. Virgo searches for someone who matches their intellect (and checks off all their boxes). Until they find someone who meets their long list of criteria, this sign will stay happily single. They have a vision of the ideal partner and won’t commit to anyone who doesn’t fulfill it. Ever so practical and patient, they’ll wait. Virgo knows what they bring to the table—their lover has to exceed that. Once committed, they’re extremely devoted, but they do expect their partner to bend to their every whim.
Pisces has a bad rep for preferring short-term relationships, but this is only because they’re on the hunt for their true soulmate. This sign doesn’t settle for anything less. It’s true that they make choices based on what they want to experience at the moment, but this is only because they want their lives to feel more personally meaningful. Pisces is a water sign who operates through feelings. They can commit while it feels good, only to change their minds, but this is only because they believe in “the one.” They need a deep emotional connection that borders on transcendence to commit themselves to life. Once they’re certain about someone, their partner will experience the deepest love they’ve ever known. Pisces gives themselves over mind, body, and soul. Once they trust you, they don’t ever want to let go.
Capricorn is a practical and traditional sign who desires a serious, monogamous relationship. However, they require a prolonged courtship. They need to feel secure and in control before committing. For this reason, this sign will prioritize their ambitions and career before looking for love. Capricorn is a hardworking go-getter who takes their dreams very seriously. Until they are in a comfortable place in their aims, they don’t even think of romance. They don’t enjoy dating around—Cap goes into the game looking for their lifelong partner. Once they find them, they commit themselves forever. They’re a dedicated and loyal partner who will place all their efforts into the success of that partnership.
This sign’s biggest fear and deepest desire are one and the same—discovery. Scorpio needs to feel secure first in order to open up. Once they find someone who makes them feel comfortable enough, they let down their guard. Scorpio is the most passionate sign—and the one who feels the most intensely. Their love is strong, invigorating, and unconditional. They don’t know how to love any other way than with absolute loyalty and devotion. Scorp goes out of their way to reassure their partners of their love. They do everything in their power to make a relationship work. When they commit, it’s because they want it to be for life. The only reason they don’t make it as the number one committed lover is this: each time they get hurt, they’re less likely to want to commit to another relationship.
Cancer craves companionship and connection more than anything else. This is because they thrive to their fullest when they feel “at home.” This sign needs a lot of love to feel stable. It’s the number one thing that gives them a purpose and makes them feel grounded. One of their biggest dreams in life is finding their life partner. When they do, they’re extremely devoted and prioritize that person above all else. Cancer is empathetic and nurturing. They can intuit the thoughts and emotional needs of their partner, and go above and beyond to make that person feel loved and secure. They deeply value family, making them the best spouses and parents.