13 Little Things Men Consider Green Flags When Looking For A Serious Girlfriend

13 Green Flags Men Look For When Searching For A Serious Girlfriend

“Similar core beliefs. Things like religion, how we look at people, how we consider kids, war, death, revenge, the meaning of life, money, career, family etc. The BIG questions that shape how we go through life. They kind of NEED to be aligned for a long and healthy relationship and if you find out early that they don’t you can save yourself some heartache. Many people might disagree on this one but if I believe if you want a lasting relationship without one or both of you constantly having to censor/alter their views to avoid arguing you need to have a similar ‘core’ to begin with.” — StillNotaKorean

“If you pay for the meal (or anything), and she says thank you and is genuinely appreciative. A shocking, SHOCKING, amount of women won’t even say thank you when you pay for stuff on a date. Bonus points if she offers to split the check or, I don’t know, if you bought the movie tickets, she gets the popcorn… etc.” — scotsworth

“Listening and reciprocating questions. I don’t want to talk about myself the whole time but this isn’t a job interview where I’m the employer. Ask questions about me! Also good manners go a long way.” — ClapDemCheeks1

“Looking back, the thing that should’ve been the biggest green flag about the woman I married was that she made just as much effort to see me as I did to see her. She texted me first, suggested hang-out times, and came up with date ideas just as often as I did. I don’t think I realized it back then but I realize it now.” — 5awaja

“When she puts her phone away. Hell of a green flag. I’d prefer her to talk with me and not people on the phone.” — Aezetyr

“She has a level of confidence. Nothing wild but you can tell she has an idea what she wants.” — QuantumPara

“Conversion flows easily and naturally. You’re able to talk about the big things like religion, politics, and children without feeling like it’s a potential argument. You’re both laughing and relaxed the entire time and you leave the date itching for the next one.” — PutStuffInMyDickHole

“She asks you questions about your life (instead of what you have or how much you earn) and she genuinely seems interested. She’s honest even if it’s to share the less desirable side of her self or nature.” — Jerkin-my-gherkin

“Instant attraction. It’s important for both parts in a sexual relationship. Can’t have a long term romantic relationship without attraction (unless you’re asexual of course).” — StillNotaKorean

“Kindness towards service staff – if she does that, she cares about other people even if she doesn’t have to.” — punna-cotta

“Intellectually compatibility. Equally smart (or in our case equally stupid). We understand each other well, both in laungage and references. We argue and discuss things from similar points of understanding even when we disagree. To us it’s the cornerstone of our relationship because even when we get into fights we can take a step back and reason to a point of understanding. We might still not agree but at least we understand why.” — StillNotaKorean

“Happiness. If she’s in a good mood and has smile lines it’s a good sign.” — TheDevilsAdvokaat

“You don’t realize hours have passed sitting and chatting wherever, you sit in your car at the end of the night and talk for another hour, and realize even after one date you genuinely miss their company” — jokeandcolor