3 Zodiacs With Mystical DNA
If you’ve ever gone to a psychic and asked about your family tree, have you noticed that they’ll almost always say you’re descended from someone famous? Rarely will you hear, “The spirits are telling me that you come from a long line of dirt-farming peasants on both sides of the family dating back to the Middle Ages. Absolutely none of your ancestors was anyone of note. Your family tree is filled with absolute nobodies.”
Nobody wants to hear that they came from nobodies. More importantly, nobody wants to pay to hear that they came from nobodies.
You might notice that this article is not titled, “3 Zodiacs Likely To Be Mystics.” The infamously emotional and intuitive water signs—especially Pisces—rule that category. Water signs have cornered the market on that dreamy, intuitive, impractical, spaced-out temperament that makes for a mystic, guru, wizard, prophet, soothsayer, shaman, or saint.
But oddly enough, when I searched for famous mystics in history who were Pisces, the best I could find was Meher Baba, an obscure yogi who counseled rock star Pete Townsend of The Who back in the 1960s. And even though Scorpio is celebrated and feared as a dark and mysterious water sign, I came up blank in a search for famous historical mystics who were Scorpios. I couldn’t even find one half-famous witch or Satanist who was a Scorpio.
So even though the water signs produce more mystically inclined people per capita than the other signs, they don’t tend to produce a lot of famous ones—except for Cancer. Just like fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces, Cancers tend to have more than mystical tendencies than most other signs. But when it comes to the fame game, Scorpio and Pisces don’t churn out of a lot of big-name mystics like Cancers do.
For reasons that are only known to the mystical forces that guide the stars and keep the planets spinning, Libras and Capricorns may not produce of a lot of mystics, but when they do, chances are that you’ve heard of them.
1. Cancer
This moon-guided water sign is responsible for giving the world Saint John of the Cross (born June 24, 1542), a Catholic priest from Spain who, while praying in a monastery sometime in the mid-1570s, had a vision of the crucified Christ that he experienced “from above.” He rendered a crude drawing of his mystical vision which later formed the basis of the surrealist Spanish artist Salvador Dali’s famous 1951 painting Christ of Saint John of the Cross. Another Catholic saint and mystic was Teresa of the Andes (born July 13, 1900), a Chilean nun who took her vows at the tender age of 19 while she was dying. Multiple miracles were performed in her name after her death, and over 100,000 pilgrims visit her tomb in the Andes every year. On her shrine is inscribed El amor es mas fuerte (“Love is stronger” [than death]). And finally, Mary Baker Eddy (born July 16, 1821), the founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist (AKA “Christian Science”), a pioneer of vegetarianism who sought to “reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing,” was also a Cancer.
2. Libra
This Air sign ruled by the decadent planet Venus and symbolized by fairness might not seem very mystically oriented at first glance, but the Scales bequeathed us with the following four All-Star Mystics: Rumi (born September 30, 1207), the Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic who is regarded as the world’s most famous poet; Aleister Crowley (born October 12, 1947), the infamous British occultist and visionary who was known as “The Most Evil Man in the World”; Francis of Assisi (born September 26, 1881), the Italian monk who was born rich but took a vow of poverty after experiencing several visions of Jesus and became one of the most venerated Christian saints ever; and Confucius (born September 28, 551BCE), the Chinese philosopher and sage who came up with the Golden Rule—“Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you”—about 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
3. Capricorn
One wouldn’t ordinarily expect such a…well, ordinary, practical, responsible, and detail-oriented zodiac sign to produce possibly the most famous mystic and religious leader in world history, which is why I’ll save that one for last. Other famous mystical Capricorns were G. I. Gurdjieff (born January 13, 1866), a Greek/Armenian guru and spiritual teacher who taught that most people existed in a state of hypnosis and needed an inner awakening; Khalil Gibran (born January 6, 1883), the Lebanese writer who was fascinated with Sufi mysticism and whose best-selling 1923 book The Prophet was instrumental in introducing Eastern mysticism to Western audiences; and finally, Jesus Christ—who is commonly thought to have been born on December 25th in Year Zero of the Christian Era—is not only the most famous mystic of all time—he is the most famous Capricorn in history and undoubtedly the most famous person who ever lived.