4 Birth Months Who Would Never String You Along
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Birth Months Who Would Never String You Along

Some people aren’t going to be completely honest with you about their expectations. They might make you think that they’re interested in dating you, only to disappoint you time and time again. While it can be hard to tell whether someone is being genuine with you or is only telling you what you want to hear, here are the birth months who will rarely string anyone along:


People born in January are brutally honest, even when it might make the situation awkward or uncomfortable. They aren’t going to dance around the truth or actively keep secrets from you because they don’t see the point in playing pretend, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. They aren’t interested in mind games or mixed signals. They expect the person they’re seeing to be honest with them, and they will return the favor. They will be clear about their expectations. They aren’t going to string you along because they don’t have time for immature, childish games. They are wise beyond their years.


People born in February don’t have time to waste. Their schedules are jam packed, so they aren’t going to waste precious time entertaining people who they aren’t actually interested in dating. If they actively set aside time to spend with you, that means they’re serious about you. It means you’re an important piece of their life. Not everyone is lucky enough to receive a text back from them or an invitation to hang out one-on-one, so if you’ve been spending a lot of time together, then there’s a good chance they’re serious about you. Stringing you along wouldn’t even cross their mind. It’s way too stressful.


If someone born in May is spending time with you, it’s because they genuinely like you and want to get to know you on a deeper level. These people are too stubborn to do things that they don’t want to do, so you can rest assured that their interest in you is genuine. They wouldn’t fake their crush on you. They wouldn’t waste time texting you and hanging out with you if they didn’t want to be with you. They aren’t going to string you along because it’s too much work. If they weren’t interested, it would be much easier to break the news to you and never see you again.


People born in October strive to be their most authentic selves. They would never lie to your face or make empty promises in order to string you along. Of course, there’s always a chance that you might misinterpret their intentions because they’re so friendly. However, they would never intentionally string you along by making you promises they don’t intend to keep or by talking about how badly they want to be in a relationship with you. They would never trick you or manipulate you into staying around to inflate their own ego. They will be transparent about what they want from you and whether they’re interested in a relationship from the start. What they say is what they mean.