Howl's Moving Castle

4 Zodiac Signs Who Would Totally Fall In Love With Howl Pendragon 


Pisces, you’re a dreamer and an empath. What romantic Pisces wouldn’t fall head over heels for an enchanting wizard that literally appears as if straight out of a fairytale? You’re naturally drawn to all things magical, Pisces, thanks to your wild imagination—Howl’s vulnerability and magical mastery is something that makes him appealing to you right off the bat. Plus, Howl is just the right kind of respectfully romantic hero you adore. If any sign loves a good fairytale romance, it’s going to be you, Pisces.  


Leo, it’s your love for drama that probably made Howl your favorite character right off the bat. Not only is his first appearance in the film as attention-grabbing as it gets, he also has a great eye for fashion and a serious flair for the dramatic—whether he’s staging an over-the-top entrance or literally dying after accidentally changing his hair color. You’re drawn to people who are bold and charming (kind of like yourself), which is basically Howl’s main motto throughout the entire film. 


Libra, you’re sort of a Sophie yourself—you’re kind and always try to do what’s right, resolving the conflict you see within the world to the best of your abilities. It’s no wonder you’d automatically choose Howl as your main film focus. You also have an eye for beauty—you’d definitely appreciate Howl’s aesthetic (even if his home is a little messy). You’d definitely be a huge fan of the myriad places Howl’s castle can travel to, and—like Sophie—you admire Howl’s dedication towards the ones he loves. These traits mimic your own values, Libra. 


Gemini, you’re a curious sign. You love characters who are dynamic and interesting—if a character can totally captivate your attention (and hopefully make you laugh), they have your whole heart. Howl has plenty of different sides to him, presenting as everything from a great wizard to a petulant child. You also have a soft spot for characters who are playful and somewhat immature themselves, which Howl certainly is at times.