
4 Zodiacs Who Need A Message From The Universe This Week (August 28 – September 3)

Sometimes you just feel lost. You might still be going through the same motions you always do, yet the life you’ve built doesn’t have the same appeal it once did. Or maybe everything has crumbled around you and you have no idea which direction to dig yourself out from. For when you don’t know what to do next, you can look for a message from the universe. If you’re one of these four zodiac signs, you’re looking for your message this week, and here’s where to look.


You’re often likely to get stuck in the past. Maybe you’re still thinking about an ex from years ago or you’re hoping for change at work or home but not actively taking the steps to make it happen. Your emotions are like a well, and sometimes you’re sunken deep within them without a way to crawl back out. Look for your message from the universe in a conversation with a friend. Either they’ll give you some advice that you’ve been needing to follow, or you’ll be the one dispensing the sage advice–and it’ll work for you, too. It’s time to listen and take action.


Change is hard for you. It’s not that you don’t know what needs to be changed. You’re very aware when something in your life just isn’t working. The problem comes when it’s time to do something about it. You’d rather find comfort in the known–even if it’s doing you harm–than taking the steps to fix it. That unknown is terrifying. Look for your message from the universe in your dreams. Record what you remember of your dreams each morning and look for clues on what to do next. This is your subconscious’ way of guiding you down the right path.


You know you need to open up, but that’s easier said than done. You worry that if you open up to the wrong person, it’ll backfire spectacularly. After all, it’s happened before. So choosing someone trustworthy enough to be an ear for you can feel absolutely impossible. This week, look for your message from the universe in the actions of your friends and family. Someone will show that they care about you, and that’s your clue that they might be the one person you can tell how you’re feeling. Will you listen?


You have a hard time asking for help. You like the boost in confidence you get when you achieve something by yourself, but that introduces a toxicity that tells you that you have to do it all by yourself. Not only should you be asking for help from people you know, but there are those out there who are actively hoping they can help you. Look for your message form the universe in the shape and feel of your stress this week. There’ll be a task that feels even more impossible than it normally does. That’s your clue to call up someone you can trust to lend a helping hand. You don’t have to go it alone.