4 Zodiacs Who Will Rise Above The BS In 2025
For you, Scorpio, the BS is everything and everyone that doesn’t really matter. It’s taking all the little anxieties of every acquaintance you’ve ever made into account. It’s bringing yourself down to the level of people who don’t have the self-esteem or the self-awareness you have acquired over the years. BS is a backwards step towards an old you you’ve long left behind, and this is the year you will finally rise above the need to be anything other than your best self. You don’t have to apologize for putting to use every lesson and every healthy coping mechanism you’ve developed through hard work and deep reflection. The bar is yours to set, and it’s the choice of those around you to follow suit or not.
Aquarius, the BS you rise above is a mountain of excuses. It’s every reason anyone has ever given you to give up, quit, or bail on the grueling but rewarding life path you’ve chosen to follow. No matter how dedicated and positive you are on your own, you haven’t been able to completely avoid internalizing the voices of the doubters or nay-sayers in your periphery. Learning to identify those external influences for what they are is the first step, the second is to clear out the space they take up in your head. Just like with a house, mind-hoarding isn’t healthy. You have to practice organization and hygiene with your thoughts and feelings. A security system isn’t a bad idea either – better to keep out intruders in the first place.
Leo, being a good friend is a balancing act. It’s important to be there for the people you care about, but you can’t live your life as if you are that friend. You can’t fight their battles or hold their grudges. You can’t place yourself in the middle of their drama and expect it to not affect you negatively. There is a time and place for balance, boundaries, and self-preservation. Rising above the BS in 2025 is about having those conversations before things get out of control, cheering people on from the sideline, and being a shoulder to cry on without getting into the ring yourself. And with the amount of people who consider you a close friend, this leaves you with more emotional energy to go around.
Libra, in your world, sometimes you look at BS as a necessary evil. You are so grateful for all of the good things going on in your life, you feel ungrateful if you complain about any of the small annoyances. It could be so much worse, right? But, your tightrope walking approach to your day-to-day becomes exhausting, and sometimes ill-advised. When stress and drama can be avoided, why deny yourself the opportunity to lighten that load? You don’t have to apologize for guarding your mental and emotional well-being. You don’t have to go through every low to enjoy the highs. This is the year you learn not to punish yourself or feel guilt in exchange for your own happiness. You deserve to take what you can get.