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5 Zodiacs Who Always Trust The Universe

1.      Pisces

When Pisces tap into their spiritual side, they become someone who undoubtedly trusts the universe. They have one of the strongest ties to the spiritual realm and often know the universe has their back. Whether it’s their relationship or job, the water sign could be going through something hard and still believe in the best outcome. They know bad situations never last because they always work themselves out.

2.      Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic, spiritual and philosophical. To them, there’s no other way for the universe to exist than in our favor—hard lessons included. So, even when they’ve faced challenges, they still believe in the bigger picture. They trust their failures are stepping stones and hard times are important life lessons.

3.      Aries

Like Sagittarius, Aries is incredibly optimistic, no matter what life throws their way. They know the universe’s plans are inevitable, and there’s no way of stopping it. So, even when they mess up or spend time on the wrong path, they know it is probably for their own good. They stand their ground during hard times and never forget that what’s meant to be will still be.

4.      Aquarius

Like Pisces and Sagittarius, Aquarius is as spiritual and philosophical. So, whether they face a bad day or a hard couple of weeks, they know it’s for a good reason, and that reason probably gets better in the long run. From their goals to dreams, the air sign trusts in the universe’s judgment. They don’t worry as much about the outcome but rather where the journey leads.

5.      Leo

There’s a reason why Leos are known as rays of sunshine. With their can-do attitude and bright personalities, it’s a given that they often trust the universe. They have big dreams and even bigger ambitions and know the future has a lot in store for them. They could be going through the toughest time in their life and still have faith in all the ways it could work out.