6 Zodiacs Who Are Most Likely To Slide Into Your DMs
Thought Catalog Agency

6 Zodiacs Who Are Most Likely To Slide Into Your DMs

Some zodiacs aren’t going to strike up a conversation with you, even if they’ve been dying to get to know you better. But other signs are going to take any chance they can to slip into your DMs and flirt with you. Here are the zodiacs are the most likely to slide into your DMs:


Sagittarius chase after what they want because they feel like they deserve it – and they know that hard work pays off. This sign is always up for a challenge, so they don’t mind making the first move and initiating conversations. They’re used to putting effort in when it comes to their careers and passions, and relationships are no different. They believe it’s better to try and see what happens than to stand by and do nothing.


Leos are a fire sign, so even though they come across like every move is intentional, they are surprisingly impulsive and spontaneous. They have the confidence to shoot their shot whenever they notice someone who catches their eye because rejection doesn’t scare them. They know they’re a catch, even if they get left on read, so a bad response won’t bruise their ego too badly. There’s always someone else waiting around the corner anyway.


Pisces are going to slide into your DMs to pay you a compliment because they love to spread kindness. After all, if you don’t reciprocate their feelings, they’re perfectly fine with forming a friendship with you instead. Some people have a hard time deciphering whether this sign is flirting or simply being friendly anyway, so they can always deny that they were trying to hook up with you. They can pretend that their intentions were innocent and get away with it because they treat everyone this sweetly.   


Aries are a pretty emotional sign. They do whatever their gut pushes them to do in the moment without thinking through the consequences. That means they’ll slip into your DMs without stopping to ask themselves whether this is a good idea, whether they’re coming across as sweet or thirsty. Luckily, Aries don’t get embarrassed easily. Whether they’re ignored or flat out rejected, they’re going to bounce back quickly.


Geminis are chatty, so they never turn down the opportunity to have a conversation – especially with someone they consider attractive. If they come up with a conversation starter, then they’re going to use it. They’re going to slide into your DMs unapologetically. This sign is a great conversationalist, so they can keep bantering with you all day long. If they like you, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. They won’t stop at one message. They’ll try to make it more and more.


Libras are sweethearts. They aren’t going to be able to hold themselves back from paying you a compliment because they want you to know that someone out there cares about you. Someone out there sees how wonderful you are. This sign doesn’t really care about whether you respond. They just want you to know how they feel. They want you to get a burst of confidence from their message and love yourself a little harder that day.