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6 Zodiacs Who Will See Their Life Begin To Change During 2023’s Mercury in Cancer

Cardinal and water signs will be impacted by this upcoming Mercury in Cancer transit beginning on June 26th, 2023 until July 11th, 2023. For Cardinals, this transit is about leveling up and honing your communication skills. Water signs can experience a lot more excitement and romance in their world. Mercury in Cancer brings inspiration and creativity, and with Saturn making an aspect, we can all get things done efficiently. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.


There will be new lessons with this Mercury transit linked to how much you value yourself and understanding how to implement that for potential relationships. During this season, you aim high by focusing on your career and making the necessary changes to have more grounding energy around you. Mercury imparts you with creative energy to get your ideas solidified. Having the Sun in the same sign also opens the door for more personal growth, as you will uncover pieces to the puzzle of yourself at home. These building blocks allow you to continue focusing on what brings you joy and harmony, as Mars and Venus push you to open up your mind and heart.


Mercury will conjunct the Sun, allowing you to search and learn new things easily. Since this energy is happening in your first house, you are going to stand out and stand up for your beliefs. It could feel like you are one step ahead, planning and waiting. You may be too bold and honest right now, so think before you speak to maintain peace with others. Your season has you thinking about your destiny, and Mercury helps you craft the plans and route you desire to take. You have the advantage of focus and determination, which makes you feel quite unstoppable. You are here to lead and to take on any challenges. With the Sun and Moon in conjunction, you feel much more illuminated and prepared for what lies ahead.


You are learning to become much more independent in positions that demand you to lead. Thankfully, as a sign ruled by Venus, you know how to get people on your side so you already have the advantage. Mercury wants you to trust yourself and your abilities. You will see your communication skills transforming with this transit, giving you the tools needed to get things done and to be on good terms with many coworkers or classmates. This season offers you plenty of opportunities for inner strength and self-empowerment. You are here to break doors and be victorious. You are going to shine brightly as long as you believe in yourself.


There is a lot of romantic energy associated with this transit as revelations come to light. You are more accepting of changes in your relationships because you understand that it will only prompt you to be better, stronger, and more aligned with your objectives. This season you are getting out of your shell, and Mercury wants you to have that sense of power and courage to triumph. There is a lot of inner growth also connected here, as you are ready to give it your all to those in relationships. New philosophies and other topics begin to interest you and can help you become more aligned with your purpose. Mercury will serve as a reminder to go after what you want right before Leo Season begins.


A pivotal transit that will change how you view relationships, but more importantly, you may experience some deep transformations with Pluto back in your sign. This season, things can feel a lot more intense with the oppositions happening on your ascendant, pushing you to reflect just a bit. Nevertheless, you know you can handle these changes, since retrograde periods are all about reworking themes you have encountered before. There is more connection during this time to family and friends. You are more open to networking, even if it could seem overwhelming at first. These transits are here to help you establish a deeper relationship with the self and community.


Water signs are in for a treat during this transit. Mercury brings playful and inspirational energy that fuels your imagination, allowing you to focus on plans and creative projects that stimulate your creative side. You are in a position where you are meeting new people, learning more about yourself, and finding more love in the work that you do. If you have a hobby, this Mercury transit will have you falling in love with it yet again, since you are going to be inspired. Love can also be playful and you can expect to meet new people if you are single. To those in romantic relationships, you can bring romantic energy to your partnership, allowing your love to bloom freely.