Lokman Sevim

9 Little Reminders Every ‘Last Single Friend’ Needs To Hear

  1. You are not behind. You are not falling short. You are not failing. You are exactly where you need to be.
  2. Finding love later in life doesn’t make it less real. It doesn’t mean you’re settling either. Everyone’s journey is different, and this just happens to be yours. Embrace your path.
  3. You can appreciate love even when you aren’t in it.
  4. There’s more to life than romance. But it’s okay to want it, too.
  5. You’re allowed to absolutely love being single. You don’t need to defend the fact you aren’t dating or trying to find a relationship. You’re more than allowed to adore having an apartment all to yourself with decor that only you picked out. You’re allowed to feel proud of yourself for chasing a career that makes you feel utterly fulfilled. You’re allowed to find a sense of family in your friendships. You’re allowed to revel in your independence. You’re allowed to live your own life.
  6. Finding someone will take effort. For most people, a relationship will not show up on your doorstep one day. Despite what well-meaning people may say, love doesn’t find you when you least expect it. You need to show up. You need to be open. You need to be willing to get hurt.
  7. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take breaks from dating. It’s okay to feel let down. What’s not okay is letting these feelings dictate your sense of self-worth.
  8. You don’t need to explain away your relationship status. It is honestly one of the the least interesting things about you.
  9. You are so loved, and are worthy of that love. Never forget this.