A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before December 12
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
This week is about generosity for you. If you’ve forgotten about any holiday shopping, now’s your time to get out to the stores. Or maybe you want to donate money or time to a cause. Just make sure you don’t give too much of yourself, to your detriment. Then again, knowing you Aries, you don’t need to worry about that. You’re the queen of healthy boundaries.
Your card: 4 of Swords
You’re starting to feel the exhaustion of the holiday season. Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder, or maybe you’re just overworked. Either way, it’s best to listen to your body and try to take it easy this week. Take the opportunity to rest and recover. Maybe some hot cocoa and a new show to binge-watch? Or naps for days–whatever works.
Your card: 3 of Pentacles
No working solo this week. You’ll have to be a team, whether at work or at home. It can be annoying having your work dictated in part by the work of others, but there’s also an opportunity to grow as a team here. While group projects sometimes go spectacularly wrong, it doesn’t look like that’ll be the case this time. So, that’s good news!
Your card: Ace of Cups
Something new is starting for you this week. It could be a new romantic relationship or a budding friendship. It could also be a new project or a burst of creativity. It has the potential to take you to some amazing places. Change isn’t always good, but the cards are looking positive for you this time. Embrace the newness!
Your card: 10 of Swords
Where Cancer is having a beautiful beginning, you’re going through a painful end this week. As much as you’d like to think that you’re impervious to failure, I’m sorry to say this week proves you wrong, Leo. A betrayal or loss will end up making you feel terrible. Know that this is only temporary. Hopefully this negativity doesn’t last long.
Your card: 2 of Wands
The cards seem to know what you like, Virgo. They say that, though you’re in a period of transition right now, you’ll get through it just fine with careful planning. That’s what you do best! Just get out the spreadsheets and to-do lists and it should all work out. (But of course, be open to the idea that you can’t plan for every outcome. Just most of them.)
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
Luck and hard work are meeting halfway this week, Libra. There’s a chance that you’ll get a bit of a financial boon thanks to both. And while I’d sometimes suggest keeping that money for a rainy day, this card encourages you to splurge a little bit if you want to and can afford it. Treat yo’ self! You’ve clearly earned it.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You’re definitely working too hard and overburdening yourself this week. Pride in your work is great and all, but not at the expense of your health and happiness. Take it down at least one notch so you can get things done while still having space for self-care. Everyone gets exhausted sometimes–even you, Scorpio.
Your card: 5 of Pentacles
You might have some setbacks this week, and, while you’re normally good at weathering the bad times, you’ll be plagued by worry instead. You’ll feel isolated and your self-esteem might take a hit. Try your best not to internalize the bad times. Everybody goes through setbacks, and it doesn’t make you any less awesome because it’s currently happening to you.
Your card: Death
Don’t get spooked by the name of the card–it actually isn’t a bad thing. Instead, it’s about endings and beginnings, change and transition. One journey is ending this week and another is beginning. Change is hard, but know that you can come away from this change in a much better situation than you were in. You’ve got this, Capricorn.
Your card: The Lovers
There are two ways to take this card, Aquarius. You can take it literally, in which you might end up with some serious romance this week. Or you can think about it this way: You have a choice. If you choose compassion and working together, you’ll end up with a love and harmony (internal or external) that will improve your life. Either way, it’s a good week.
Your card: Queen of Pentacles
The Queen is telling you to look outward this week. Help others, nurture your relationships. Fortunately, this is your jam, Pisces. You’re great at empathizing with your inner circle and anticipating what your friends need in order to feel better. Luckily there’s much inner satisfaction when you’re a shoulder to cry on for people you care about.