Your Weekly Horoscope For March 4 – March 11
This week, stay positive. Even though there’s a chance things aren’t going to work out the way you planned, there’s a chance that things will go even better than you thought. Don’t assume you can predict the future because you never know what’s waiting around the corner. It could be something beautiful, so don’t stress about tomorrow when it hasn’t even happened yet.
This week, stay calm. Even if your plans go sideways, everything is going to be okay. You are capable enough to get through it. You’re entitled to your negative emotions, but try not to let them overwhelm you. Try to keep your cool because you can handle this. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself.
This week, stay consistent. You’ve been doing an excellent job, even if no one has been telling you that lately. So keep doing what you’re doing. Keep working hard. Keep taking care of yourself. Keep following the schedule that has been working for you. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
This week, stay active. Make sure that you aren’t spending too much time sitting around, scrolling through social media or staring at a screen. Give your eyes a rest by walking around the block and listening to music or chatting with a friend. You don’t have to push yourself too hard. Just get your body moving a little and see how you feel.
This week, stay hopeful. Even though you act like you’re confident, you have your doubts like everyone else. But you can’t let those doubts get you down. You are smart. You are strong. You are capable. Great things are coming your way, so try looking forward to the future instead of dreading it.
This week, stay curious. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or admit when you don’t know something. The only way you’re going to grow is if you engage with others, if you make an active effort to learn more about this world and the people in it. There’s nothing embarrassing about seeking out knowledge. In fact, it’s a noble effort.
This week, stay firm. You’re not the most comfortable with confrontation, but that doesn’t mean you should allow others to get their way without speaking up. Stick to your beliefs. State them out loud. Let others know what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling because your opinion matters as much as theirs does. You should have a say, too.
This week, stay focused. Keep your eye on the prize. Don’t let outside distractions stop you from pursuing your dreams or completing your responsibilities. If you need to turn off your phone for a while, do it. The same memes and news stories and texts will still be there for you to read later. Once you finish with work, you can play around all you want.
This week, stay patient. You might not reach your goals today or tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. Keep putting in the work. Keep chipping away at your dreams. Your dedication is going to pay off eventually. But if you give up on yourself too soon, you’re always going to regret it.
This week, stay kind. Even though you might be tempted to lash out when you’re feeling frustrated, remember that others are fighting battles that you know nothing about. Would you rather be the reason their week grows worse, or the reason why they finally crack a smile? Kindness isn’t always the answer, but it is more often than not.
This week, stay open. Don’t close your heart off to people who have your best interest in mind. Give them a chance instead of allowing your pessimism to push them away. They might not hurt you the way others have, but you’ll never know unless you stay open to the possibility of creating a relationship or friendship with them.
This week, stay objective. Instead of listening to your heart, take some time to hear what your head has to say. You don’t want to end up forgiving the wrong person and falling for the same tricks over and over again. Even though you’re a kind person who wants to see the best in others, don’t assume they’re going to treat you well when they have only proven the opposite.