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Анна Хазова

6 Concrete Signs You’re In A Relationship That’s One-Sided (And How To Navigate It)

Relationships are a beautiful journey. They bring joy, laughter, growth, and sometimes, challenges that test our patience, endurance, and sense of self. A healthy relationship should be a mutual exchange of love, respect, and support. However, if you consistently feel like you’re giving more than you’re getting, you may be in a one-sided relationship. Here are six concrete signs that your relationship might be one-sided and how you can navigate this tricky terrain.

You’re Always The Initiator

If you’re the one always planning dates, initiating conversations, or making compromises, it could be a sign that you’re in a one-sided relationship. A healthy relationship thrives on balance. Your partner should also be eager to contribute to the relationship, showing interest in your life, and initiating plans. If it feels like it’s all on you, take a step back and evaluate the effort your partner is putting in. Remember, it’s not about keeping score, but about feeling valued and loved

Your Feelings Are Often Dismissed

In a one-sided relationship, your feelings may often be dismissed or undervalued. If your partner doesn’t take your concerns seriously, or if they often belittle your feelings, it’s a red flag. Your feelings are valid and should be respected. Try expressing your feelings openly and let them know how their behavior affects you. If they don’t respond positively, it might be time to reconsider the relationship.

You Don’t Feel Supported

In a balanced relationship, both partners should offer each other emotional support. If you find that your partner isn’t there for you in times of need, or if they often disregard your feelings, this is a clear indication of a one-sided relationship. Don’t hesitate to communicate your need for support and see how they respond. If they still fail to provide emotional support, this might be a sign of a deeper issue.

They Don’t Show Interest In Your Life

If your partner rarely asks about your day, your interests, or your feelings, it’s a sign that the relationship is one-sided. In a healthy relationship, both partners should show curiosity about each other’s lives. Talk to your partner about your need for deeper connection. If they still show little interest, it might be a sign they’re not as invested in the relationship as you are.

Your Partner Doesn’t Prioritize Your Relationship

If your partner often prioritizes their friends, hobbies, or work over your relationship, it might be a sign that the relationship is one-sided. While it’s healthy to have interests outside of your relationship, it becomes a problem when these interests consistently take precedence over the relationship. Communicate your feelings to your partner and express the need for balance in prioritizing your relationship and other commitments.

You Feel Drained More Often Than Not

A one-sided relationship can be emotionally draining. If you frequently feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or unappreciated, it’s a sign that the relationship may be one-sided. It’s important to prioritize your own wellbeing and consider whether this relationship is truly serving you. Don’t hesitate to seek help from a trusted friend, or family member if you’re feeling emotionally depleted.