Potentially Toxic Signs That You Might Mistake For Green Flags
They want to spend every second of their time with you.
Early on in the relationship, this might feel romantic. Especially since you want to spend as much time with them as possible, too. But you have to be careful when someone expects to receive all of your spare time and attention. You don’t want them to purposely pull you away from your family and friends. You don’t want to end up relying on them to bring you happiness and give up on everything else that used to bring you joy – like your hobbies, your passions, your career, or your friends. Make sure that this person wants to spend time with you because they care about you, not because they’re trying to gain control over you.
They get jealous easily.
You might take this as a good sign early on because it proves that they have strong feelings for you, that they want to be exclusive with you, that they can’t stand the thought of seeing you with anybody else. But there’s a difference between getting jealous over you flirting with others and you being friendly with others. If this person cannot stand when you look at another person or text someone else, then it could be a bad idea to date them. Your whole world can’t revolve around them. You’re allowed to have friends outside of your relationship, and if they don’t trust you, you’re never going to work as a couple.
They always choose you over their friends.
This might seem like a good thing since it means they’re valuing your relationship above all else. But if they’re comfortable ditching friends who they’ve had for years, they might be comfortable doing the same to you someday. You want to date someone who treats their friends, family, and workers well. Even if they treat you wonderfully, it’s a bad sign if you see them argue and disrespect every other person who crosses paths with them.
They ended on horrible terms with every single ex.
You might be happy that their exes are out of the picture and that you don’t have to worry about them getting back together. However, if this person has never ended a relationship on a friendly note (and makes a huge deal about how horrible those exes were), there’s a chance your relationship is going to end on a similar note. There’s a chance they’re going to be complaining about you the same way that they’re currently talking about every other person they’ve dated.
They want to move at a fast pace.
Sometimes, relationships move fast when you’re madly in love. However, you should be careful because some people want you to get attached quickly so that you get attached to them before you see the real them. They’ll woo you with over the top gestures, only to reveal their true personality once they feel like you’re too hesitant to leave. Don’t let anyone push you to move faster than you’re comfortable moving, even if they seem perfect because if they’re the right one for you, they can move at your pace.