4 Zodiacs Who Don’t Want To Be Bothered This December
You aren’t always going to be in the mood to socialize and that’s okay. You don’t have to be around people all the time. You can enjoy some alone time too. You can ask for some space whenever you need it. Here are the zodiacs who don’t want to be bothered this December, at least until the holidays start:
You don’t want to be bothered this December because your stress has reached an all-time high. You have been running around, trying to accomplish a million different tasks, and you are exhausted. You don’t have enough energy left over to socialize on top of all of the other things you’ve been forced to do lately. You would love some space, at least for a few weeks, so you can recharge your batteries. So you can get some rest. You don’t want to come across as rude, but you really aren’t in the mood to deal with people right now. You would rather be left alone.
You don’t want to be bothered this December because you haven’t been in the friendliest mood. You don’t feel like faking smiles and pretending to be interested in small talk when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep. Normally, you would do anything for your closest friends and family, but lately, you need some space, even from the people you care about the most. You need to relax a little. Without them. It’s nothing against them, of course. You simply need some alone time because you have been catering to their needs for way too long. It’s time to start worrying about your needs.
You don’t want to be bothered this December because the year is almost over and you still have a ton of tasks to accomplish. You are busier than ever, which is why you can’t have people distracting you. You can’t worry about them right now because you need to focus on completing the goals that mean the most to you. Although you would love to unwind and have fun with your favorite people, you simply don’t have the time. You need to make good use of the last remaining days of the year, which means you need to focus. You need to be left alone so you can do what you need to do.
You don’t want to be bothered this December because you have some thoughts and feelings you need to process on your own. You want to be left alone while you work through some important stuff because you don’t need outside opinions influencing you. You don’t need other people telling you how you should feel. Plus, you don’t want to feel forced to pretend you’re happy and cheery when you are secretly miserable inside. You want to be left alone so you can cry when you need to cry. So you can heal and feel better again by January. You aren’t going to isolate yourself forever, but for a few weeks, you really don’t want to be bothered. You want to do your own thing. Alone.