How To Be Happy While Single, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your card: 9 of Wands
Find something else to focus on. If you’re working on art or DIY projects or getting promotions at work, you’ll find happiness in the rest of your life. Why worry about dating when you’ve already got so much else to be happy about?
Your card: 6 of Wands
Pick a skill to get better and better at–especially if it’s something you can win competitions with. From Scrabble championships to running marathons, you’ll find happiness in the achievements. And how would you have the time to get so good if you weren’t single?
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Being single doesn’t mean being alone. You have an amazing and supportive family who loves you, whether it’s your birth family or your chosen family. You have enough love to fill to a hundred lifetimes, even if you aren’t in a romantic relationship.
Your card: 10 of Cups
Your happiness comes from within. All you need to do is realize how awesome you are all on your own. You don’t need a relationship to “complete” you–you’re already the full jigsaw puzzle even when you’re single.
Your card: Knight of Wands
You get caught up in your feelings when you’re still, so you’ll stay happy as long as you have plenty to do. Go on adventures, hang out with your friends, get into trouble. Sometimes all you need to stay happy is distraction.
Your card: King of Pentacles
Lose yourself in your work. But don’t just plug along, another cog in the machine. You’ll be happier if you’re working toward a goal, like a promotion or a better job entirely. Happiness can come from all sorts of directions, including your career.
Your card: 4 of Cups
You’re happier single when you sever ties with your exes. Your first instinct is to always stay friends with the people you’ve dated, but that can just prolong the heartbreak. Say goodbye and start fresh instead.
Your card: 4 of Pentacles
You find happiness in the concrete ways your life is better when you’re single. Your wallet can certainly thank you, since being in a relationship can be expensive. While you’re single you don’t have to worry about paying anyone else’s way.
Your card: Strength
You have so many personal strengths to draw from that have nothing to do with whether or not you’ve coupled-up. You could go literal with it and find happiness working out at the gym, or just be glad knowing that you have what it takes to be happy and single.
Your card: Ace of Swords
Look for the personal breakthroughs in life that make you feel successful. Set goals and see them through to the end. You’ll be so fulfilled by your successes that you’ll totally forget to even be sad about being single.
Your card: 6 of Cups
Find comfort in what’s been making you happy all your life. There’s no age limit on childlike wonder, whether it’s going to the zoo, building elaborate LEGO creations, or gaming with friends. And it’s so much easier to do these things when you’re single.
Your card: Queen of Cups
Find your singlehood happiness in the little comforting moments throughout the day. Laying around reading books, sipping tea while it rains, going for a walk in the sunshine. These lovely, quiet moments exist in your life whether you’re in a relationship or not.