Ogo Johnson

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, July 20, 2024

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Today is setting a new, energetic course for the zodiac signs!

We start the day with the moon in diligent Capricorn, forming a sextile to Saturn in dreamy Pisces. We may feel more responsible and encouraged to organize and pursue our goals. Discussions during this time could yield significant results, especially regarding important topics.

Later, Mars, the planet of energy, action, and drive, moves out of grounded Taurus and into restless, witty Gemini. When Mars is in Gemini, our mental energy is ready to go full throttle. We may feel more sharp and quick-witted and have more ideas than we know what to do with. We can also be very talkative and impulsive, and getting into debates or arguments is much more likely. It’s best to be mindful of our words, as we can feel tempted to say the first thing that pops into our heads. 

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’ve got big ideas for making the world around you a better place, Aries. You’re feeling emotionally connected to using your influence in ways that benefit others, and you have plenty of motivation and strategy to do so. However, your excitement and passion can channel your impulsive side, and you may try to put the cart before the horse. This can be frustrating, especially if you feel like you’re mentally ten steps ahead of everyone else. Remember that you have good ideas, but not everything can happen overnight. 


You’re defending your values today, Taurus and your stubborn streak may be more prominent than usual. You could find that deeply held beliefs influence your feelings today, and you are leaning into your core groups and communities that uphold those beliefs. However, if you come across those you disagree with, you’ll want to think before you speak because getting into arguments is much more likely. While you may have no problem standing your ground, you need to consider who you’re talking to, as some words you can’t take back. However, sharing your opinions could lead to productive conversations if you feel you can have a rational discussion with certain people.


You want to make an impact, Gemini, but you should be mindful of how you do so. Your self-awareness and desire to improve yourself show up in how you interact with others on a more public scale. You’re feeling more secure in your footing and know you can achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself. However, you may get too excited and try to rush the process today, and you could end up bulldozing others if you aren’t mindful. Using your motivation and energy to make a good impression is a great way to go; ensure you aren’t stepping on anyone else or picking fights to get there. 


You’re taking on quite the balancing act today, Cancer. You feel the support of your close relationships, and you recognize you have a lot to learn from them. Some wisdom comes from being willing to listen, after all. Yet, you’re also feeling a strong pull to take matters into your own hands regarding your healing and well-being. This isn’t a bad thing; some things are best done by taking time alone and reflecting on our actions and emotions. Know that both of these things are valuable, and rather than turning this into a battle, embrace them and learn from each. 


Leo, it’s in your best interest to be a team player today. You’re in the mood to get things done, and your hard work will likely pay off, financially or otherwise. However, you could also find yourself in the position to lead others or to work as a team to get where you want to go, and you may feel tempted to dominate or bulldoze others to get what you want. You may want to get to the top, but sometimes you need to be willing to accept an open hand rather than use it as a stepladder. You can be influential and foster strong bonds if you can zoom out and focus on the bigger picture. 


You’re feeling more confident than usual, Virgo, and you want to showcase it. You feel more assured and creative, especially when collaborating with or with the support of your close relationships. You may feel more responsible or want to use your talents to fulfill a bigger purpose than creating for yourself. Today, plenty of motivation to make that happen is evident, but if you get too focused on gaining recognition, you could shoot yourself in the foot before you get a chance. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and promote yourself, but know these things take time. Your ideas are worth noting, but don’t be disappointed if your first one doesn’t immediately yield the desired results. 


You’re more than aware of your responsibilities, Libra, but you could feel more restless than usual. You won’t abandon what needs to be done and feel more pressed than normal to keep things running smoothly. However, you feel a fresh vigor surrounding exploring new topics and ideas, and anyone who pushes back against your excitement may not get your best side. Know there are ways to learn and explore without leaving your responsibilities behind. You should also be aware that while what you believe feels paramount to you, others will naturally have other opinions. You may decide it’s worth an argument to put someone in their place, but you can’t take things back once spoken, so be prepared to own up to your words.


You’re feeling quick-witted, Scorpio, and it could work in your favor if you can keep an open mind. You feel more stimulated by conversations, and your discussions can lead to fresh perspectives you hadn’t considered. However, you could also struggle with the connection if people in your life are trying to push too hard or too quick for vulnerability—or perhaps you feel more restless and want to fast-track connection to feel secure. Remember that trust and intimacy are built over time, and while you can get excited around connection, don’t try to speed things up, or it could burn out too soon.


You could struggle with what you know versus what to compromise, Sagittarius. While you can usually adapt well, we all have moments of leaning into what we are familiar with. You have routines and traditions that make sense to you or foundations you were raised on that feel essential. However, stubbornness could cause conflicts with those closest to you, especially if your determination to hold onto what you know doesn’t allow room for others to share their experiences. Words can be particularly cutting right now, so don’t let your temper get the best of you. 


You’re trying to take on everything yourself, Capricorn. You’re more than equipped to handle tasks thrown your way—in fact, you may identify with that responsibility even more than usual. However, your desire to do it all doesn’t always sit well with others, especially if they want or are supposed to be taking on these tasks with you. Your identity isn’t hinged on how much you accomplish. You must be willing to do tasks well and with help rather than trying to prove yourself by doing the most.


You’re figuring out what matters to you, Aquarius, but you also long to let loose and enjoy life. You’re no stranger to the fact that introspection can help you uncover what matters most to you. Your autonomy and self-expression are often deeply important to you, and today, you may feel more excitable about exploring new ways to do so. However, be careful that you aren’t gambling too much or taking risks you aren’t willing to accept if they don’t go your way.


You feel more supported in being yourself, Pisces, but it may be a different story at home. Your social circles and friend groups support who you are and the plans you’ve laid out for yourself. However, your decisions may stir up tension with family members or those you live with. Standing up for yourself is essential, but don’t say anything you will regret.