TC Agency / MidJourney

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, July 26, 2024

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Your card: Page of Swords

If you have a spark of an idea today, don’t let it go out before exploring where it could take you. That kind of inspiration doesn’t always come your way, so it would be a waste if you didn’t see where it goes. Luckily, you’re good at following your curiosity.


Your card: The Empress

Get out of the house today and go somewhere beautiful and natural. Whether it’s a cute little park by your house or a rustic lake away from the city, stepping into the beauty of the earth will help connect you back to your inner flame. Bask in the clean air and enjoy what’s around you.


Your card: Ace of Swords

Look for a breakthrough in-the-making today. Maybe a problem you’ve been trying to solve will finally have a solution or a project will be so close to completion. If you work hard and have a great attitude, your odds of success will increase dramatically. You’ve got this, Gemini!


Your card: The Devil

Be wary of the voice on your shoulder that’s encouraging you to do something that you know deep down isn’t right. While it may seem like a good idea on the surface, there are hefty consequences if you go through with it. Keep an eye on your karma today and make sure you stay on the right path.


Your card: The Hermit

Rather than reaching out to others to help you make a decision or work through a problem, trust that you can solve your problems on your own. While it’s good to ask for help sometimes, there’s a power in knowing that you can handle anything. And today is one of those days.


Your card: Page of Cups

If you catch yourself daydreaming today, don’t try to stop it. Sometimes it’s nice to have your head in the clouds because you can come away with artistic inspiration or even new ideas for where you want your life to go. There’s nothing wrong with being a little silly now and then.


Your card: 3 of Swords

This likely won’t be a great day for you. Whether something bad is actively happening in your life right now or you’ll be reminded of a past hurt, you’ll feel like you’re sinking into a deep dark hole. It may be hard to pull yourself out, but remember that tomorrow is a fresh start.


Your card: 6 of Swords

Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Today, you may be struggling with accepting a transition period in your life–especially if it wasn’t something you necessarily wanted in the first place. But, if you can let go of the future that no longer serves you, you’ll be just fine.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

This is the perfect day to donate to a worthy cause. You could clean out your home and give away what you don’t need to people who could use it. Or, if big world events are sitting on your mind, donate money to worthy charities that could help the cause.


Your card: The Sun

The thing about positivity and optimism is that it’s contagious. The more you display your good mood, the more you’re coaxing others to join you whether you realize it or not. Today, keep up the happy vibes and don’t be afraid to share your warmth with everyone you come across.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

If you’ve been wanting a change in your professional life, today is the day to make it happen. This card is pointing out how powerful you are. Whatever you want, you can manifest it into existence–especially when it comes to your career. Go make your dreams come true, Aquarius.


Your card: 10 of Wands

You’re a dependable person. Of course, the downside to that dependability is that you’ll often say yes to favors even when you really don’t have the time–and that’s what’s hitting you today. You’ve promised way too much and now you’re feeling burnt out. Take time for yourself today or you’re in danger of a breakdown.