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Horoscope for Today: Monday, September 2, 2024

The New Moon rises in Virgo at 9:56, marking the final quarter of the year. It’s tempting to adopt a perfectionistic attitude toward a project, but beware. An insecure authority figure will continually demand arbitrary changes for no good reason. Situations like these are best handled with a spirit of detachment. Instead of making a personal investment in work, it’s better to pour energy into activities that promote vibrant emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

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You’re eager to start a new health regimen but aren’t ready to announce your plans to the world. You’re tired of answering to pessimists who think you will fail. Rather than posting progress reports on social media, keep your victories to yourself. Give yourself a reward every time you reach a goal. Your success is guaranteed if you make it an inside job.  


Falling in love, starting a creative project, or having a baby are among the exciting possibilities with today’s New Moon. Whatever changes are ahead, they will be joyous. Sadly, this turn of events will put some distance between you and a group of needy friends. These people can’t stand you to be the focus of attention and may slowly back out of your life. It’s their loss!


Relocating or redecorating your home eases some of your restless energy. This change will demand lots of your time, which doesn’t sit well with an authority figure. If your boss or client keeps complaining about your limited availability, think about finding a more rewarding job. Working from home will be a refreshing possibility in a few weeks.


Taking a class, sitting for an exam, publishing a book, or recording a podcast gives you a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. Someone who belittles your achievement is terribly jealous. While it’s true this individual is accomplished, they can never achieve your level of success. That’s because they lack your emotional intelligence. You have a lot of supporters. Never hesitate to ask them for help.


An exciting financial opportunity will come your way, but don’t go on a shopping spree just yet. Big debts have been limiting your freedom for the past few months or even year. Paying off these bills will be a drag, but the momentum you’ll gain as you satisfy these obligations will be huge. Before you know it, your credit rating will be at an all-time high, giving you a lot more purchasing power. 


Obey a powerful urge to reinvent yourself. Someone in your inner circle will feel threatened by the changes you make. That isn’t a good enough reason to stay stuck in an unrewarding place. Give yourself permission to get healthy, embark on a rewarding career, relocate to a beautiful part of the world, or do anything else your heart desires. Your confidence will soar as a result of this shift. 


Taking time away from your job will be great for your health. Stop worrying about who will pick up the slack while you’re away from work. It will be beneficial for others to learn how much you contribute. By the time you get back to business, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise. 


Spending more time with friends helps you out of a dead-end situation. It’s important for you to hear other perspectives on what makes life meaningful. With a little encouragement, you’ll stop focusing on work, chores, and responsibility and start having more fun. This is also an opportunity for a romantic relationship to become less co-dependent.   


Showcasing your talent will result in some exciting career opportunities. While you enjoy being popular, a relative may express skepticism over your superstar status. Ignore their dismissive insults. You’re dealing with someone who is bitterly disappointed over their own life. Nothing you do or say will make them feel better, so you might as well rejoice over your own victory. 


Breaking out of the old routine will attract some exciting career opportunities. It’s important to visit unfamiliar places, meet new people, and try different activities. Don’t let a fear of discomfort keep you from taking chances. Even if you do look awkward at first, people will respect you for being adventurous. You’ll probably make some great friends as a result.


Embarking on an intimate relationship is serious business for you. You’re not the type who freely gives away your heart. Rather than stubbornly cling to your independence, be willing to let down your guard. You’ll soon find that having someone to share your hopes, dreams, and finances is wonderfully comforting. Yes, you’ll have to give a little, but the returns will be fabulous. 


A personal or professional alliance will open doors for you. After getting burned by someone you recently admitted into your inner circle, you’re tempted to go solo for the foreseeable future. Put this bad experience behind you and take a risk. Working with someone who is practical, detail-oriented, and intelligent will restore your faith in humanity.