Rajaa Lemnari

Horoscope For Today: Friday, October 4, 2024

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Ugly exhibitions of power drain people’s energy and cause them to go underground. The trouble begins when the gracious Libra Moon squares Pluto in commanding Capricorn at 6:40 am. Overt challenges to power won’t be effective, especially when the Moon moves into covert Scorpio at 7:22 am. 

Fortunately, a helpful trine between Venus and Saturn at 1:04 pm helps strengthen affectionate bonds. An attentive romantic partner, relative, or friend can help us process any injustices we suffer. Have a heart-to-heart talk with a trusted confidante to craft a strategy for leaving this oppressive situation behind.


Preoccupation with professional struggles can undermine your close relationships. Instead of pouring all your energy into work, opt to focus on your best friend or romantic partner. That means turning off your phone and paying full attention to the person who is closest to your heart. If you’re single, start going out on your own. You could meet someone special at a restaurant, movie, museum, or bookstore. 


Feeling isolated is having a negative impact on your health. It’s time to seek out people who share your quirks—or at least appreciate them. When you hide what excites your imagination, life becomes unbearably boring. Connecting with an unapologetic nerd can improve your social life. Instead of spending your time alone on the Internet, you’ll be going to parties and outings with people who make you feel alive again.


Getting drawn into the darker side of life appeals to your shadow twin. Unfortunately, this is causing problems in your love life. People aren’t interested in spending time with someone who projects gloom and despair. Make a greater effort to venture into the unknown. Exploring unfamiliar horizons makes your eyes sparkle with delight. Soon, you’ll be surrounded by admirers instead of going home alone every night.


Trying to change someone with bad manners just won’t work. At this point, the person in question is just deliberately tormenting you with their crass remarks and inconsiderate behavior. Turn your attention to a creative project instead. It feels so good to be in control of a self-created Universe. If you’ve met someone special, think about taking a long-distance trip together. Exploring an unfamiliar landscape together will strengthen your love.


Trying to impress an ultra-demanding boss isn’t working. You need to work smarter, not harder. Launching your own business is a good way to restore sanity to your daily life. Fortunately, the stars are aligned for you to get a reasonable business loan. Alternatively, someone who admires your talent may give you the start-up money for this venture. Be willing to break away from a predictable job for the sake of passionate engagement. You won’t be sorry. 


A partner’s jealous behavior has become irritating, rather than endearing. You’re tired of censoring yourself to appease this paranoid individual. Spending time with people who appreciate your wit, charm, and intelligence will be a welcome change. If you’ve been yearning to be single again, make a clean break from your troubled relationship. A professional alliance can help you build the financial independence you want. 


Resentments about family come bubbling to the surface. You’re tired of playing nice with a relative who constantly tries to throw you off balance. The reason this pest always singles you out is jealousy. Rather than stick around for more abuse, do whatever you can to distance yourself from this sick individual. Getting your own place, building financial independence, and applying for scholarships are all good uses of your time right now. You’ll soar much higher when you’re not subjected to constant insults.  


It’s difficult to maintain a relationship with someone whose beliefs are so offensive. While you’re attempt to maintain a polite relationship are admirable, maintaining your dignity with this individual is exhausting. Take this opportunity to sneak off to a private hideaway with your favorite person. It will feel so good to express your true feelings to someone who respects your point of view. If you’re looking for love, you could find it a spiritual gathering or place of worship.


Letting go of cherished possessions is unusually difficult for you. Normally, you’re not terribly sentimental about such things. Right now, it feels like you’re being asked to turn your back on the past. This instinct isn’t wrong. You have a golden opportunity to tell a new story about yourself. Donate, sell, or give away items that fill you with sadness. The sooner you fill your home with things that inspire you, the faster you will realize an elusive dream.


Rather than trying to maintain control of a chaotic situation, let the chips fall where they may. You’re resourceful and diligent enough to turn any problem into a golden opportunity. Let a well-connected friend write a glowing reference for you. Their high praise will open the door to a steady job. It will feel so good to earn money in a creative field. Best of all, this position will allow you to escape the hectic environment that’s been wearing on your nerves.


You long to push past boundaries and explore unfamiliar territory. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be won’t let you color outside of the lines. If you want to expand your horizons, you should look for another job opportunity. Work involving research, science, medicine, and law enforcement are good avenues to explore. Although the pay won’t be spectacular at first, the long-term benefits will be significant. Additionally, your duties won’t feel so confining. 


Friends are making you crazy. You’re tired of bending over backwards for their benefit, only to receive little consideration in return. Fortunately, a blossoming relationship gives you a chance to satisfy your love of art, culture, and music. Best of all, your new companion has no problem letting you choose the restaurant or movie. It’s so refreshing to experience equal give-and-take. The more attention you give to this union, the more rewarding it becomes.