Uriel Mont

Horoscope For Today: Monday, October 21, 2024

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Today holds some ups and downs for the zodiac signs!

Starting in the early afternoon, we experience the moon in Gemini forming a square with Neptune (the planet of illusion and imagination) in Pisces, which can leave us feeling confused and uncertain while simultaneously trying to keep our heads in the clouds. There can be some benefit to this, but it will likely cause more issues than it is worth. Luckily, not long after this, the sun in Libra forms a harmonious trine with the moon in Gemini, which not only lifts our spirits and boosts our confidence a little but has us focusing on the more optimistic aspects, notably those involving our social relationships. Finally, the moon moves into its home sign of Cancer later in the evening, guiding our emotions towards stability and comfort, especially when related to our closest loved ones.

Today could leave you feeling all over the place, but if you can keep your mind and heart open without jumping to conclusions, it doesn’t have to be too much of a bumpy ride! Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You may be tempted to get lost in the daydreams today, Aries, but remember it’s essential to keep at least one foot on the ground. There isn’t anything wrong with taking a step back from the mundane and leaning into bigger dreams and ideations, but it can also leave you feeling more sensitive and uncertain if you cling too tightly to them. The good news is that the connections of your loved ones, especially close partners and family members, can support you in your dreams and remind you that you have to be rooted firmly to bring those ideas to life


You may feel you’re the only person you can rely on today, Taurus. The struggle with figuring out where you fit in a larger group or collective can always be intimidating, especially if you feel your values and self-assurance differ from the group. You are able to remind yourself of your resourcefulness and skills that give you more confidence in your abilities and who you are as the day progresses, but remember that while self-reliance has its moments, you don’t have to handle everything alone. Later in the evening, you’ll be reminded of the importance of having a close group of people in your circle to rely on—smaller groups and local chapters in your neighborhood that center around what you believe in can be the ideal space you’ve been searching for. 


You may start the day feeling like you can’t be your entire self anywhere, Gemini. It can be challenging to navigate what parts of ourselves should be shown to the world and what is best kept to ourselves, and you may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and disillusionment about who you are and where you belong in the world. However, we often find ourselves when we let go of preconceived notions and get creative, which is precisely what you feel inspired to do this afternoon. Allow your more artistic and creative elements to have their moment in the sun! By the end of the day, you’ll feel more self-assured in who you are and where your value lies.


Today brings heavier emotions to grapple with, Cancer, but it doesn’t have to crush you beneath the weight. It’s easy to feel disconnected from the world around you, especially if it conflicts with the tightly held beliefs you cling to for security and purpose. You may feel uncertain or afraid of what’s going on in the world or how you manage to be part of it—the trauma that exists can impact us in many ways that we don’t always notice until it’s happening. However, this afternoon, finding comfort in the stillness and security of home (or the place that feels like home) can help you address those feelings rather than run from them. Spiritual affirmation, meditation, journaling, or prayer could help you navigate these feelings. When the moon moves into your sign, you may feel more at ease and comforted, even if everything isn’t resolved in one day.


Trying to find your voice and express who you are may feel challenging today, Leo, but it may be more in your head than you realize. You strive to be your authentic self, and you know who you are underneath the surface, but it can feel difficult to allow that to shine through and feel accepted by certain groups of levels of status that you strive for. You may not recognize yet that perhaps your ideas and sense of self aren’t the issue but how you communicate them. You could better understand how to present these concepts and feel more supported by those around you. However, you may find that as the evening approaches, you prefer to isolate yourself and sit with your ideals and perceptions before being vulnerable enough to express them again.


The desire to rely on yourself may feel strong today, Virgo, but community is still worth investing in. Tension and uncertainty between how you approach your work and your relationships may show itself in the early afternoon, but it could be more of a misunderstanding that is blown out of proportion. You feel more confident in terms of your skills and your security, knowing that you can show up for yourself even if you feel no one else will. Once the later evening rolls around, you may find that community and having people in your corner is more of an asset than you realize. It could even have you changing your perspectives on how you handle your relationships. Be open to letting people in.


Having higher aspirations isn’t a crime, Libra, even though reality checks may try to rain on your parade. As you seek to expand outside your comfort zone and into new dreams and ways of thinking, you may feel at odds with your day-to-day routines—it can feel as if you’re going nowhere or that daydreaming about what else is out there is unrealistic. While you don’t want to neglect your responsibilities, it doesn’t mean you can never step outside of what you know. The more you open your mind and expand your horizons, the more you learn about yourself. Today may introduce you to something new that sets you on a different path, but you must be open to it first.  


The desire to understand yourself deeper is on your mind today, Scorpio. You may experience tension in the early afternoon between wanting to keep things light and simple instead of diving beneath the surface, but this is a self-imposed burden, not one being placed on you. If you’re willing to lean into the more taboo and vulnerable side of things, you may come across a sense of confidence and healing that you’ve been longing for, which changes how you see yourself. Once the moon moves into Cancer, you could feel the push to explore new ideas and beliefs, only furthering the reality that you are a multi-faceted individual—there is always more to explore. 


Sometimes, it’s hard to feel seen, even by the people closest to us, Sagittarius. Today could bring tension and confusion between your home/family life and your close relationships. You may feel the need to come to the defense of those you’re closest to, or it could feel difficult to feel at home with them—keep in mind that the issue may be you’re not seeing eye to eye, not that they don’t “get” you. You may find that others who share your vision and ideals could be good people to draw closer to, as you may find some additional close relationships with those who share your mindset. This doesn’t mean you bail on your established relationships, but sometimes, we need to spend time with people who share our visions!


It’s hard to see the forest for the trees today, Capricorn, notably when it comes to your work life. It’s tempting to stay caught up in the details of your job that are deeply unsatisfying or that you feel stifle your ability to do what you want to do. However, if you can take a step back and see the bigger picture, you’ll notice that you excel so well in the work you do that you can use that momentum to help drive you to a place you want to be in life, or you can use your work ethic to help you start a better life path. While it’s not a decision to make overnight, you may find that sharing your conflicting feelings with your trusted loved ones could help soothe the frustrations that have been building throughout the day.


Trying to enjoy yourself and express who you are creatively has its ups and downs today, Aquarius. On the one hand, you know how daunting it is when you would love to dedicate all your time to your passion, but it feels impossible to make a genuine living from it. Of course, while it may not always be the easiest, that doesn’t make it impossible. You have to stop limiting yourself, and today, you may feel more emboldened to approach your passion from new angles and possibilities, learning even more about yourself in the process. You may be surprised to find something that works well and becomes a skill you didn’t anticipate, so keep your mind and expectations wide open.


It’s difficult when you feel your authentic self can’t be fully actualized, Pisces. Today could feel like a struggle between being yourself out loud and the stability you’re accustomed to. You may feel unsafe or that your foundation will be completely disrupted if you express yourself to the fullest—your safety should come first, but know that it could also be worse in your mind than in reality. However, rather than deciding whether to make a bigger scene, you may find more solace in addressing what’s happening underneath the surface—both with yourself and the people you want to be accepted by. Weighing the pros and cons is worth giving your attention to today, and before the day ends, you may feel more at peace with yourself than you have in quite some time.